Kitty Katt 11: Alien Separation

Read Kitty Katt 11: Alien Separation for Free Online

Book: Read Kitty Katt 11: Alien Separation for Free Online
Authors: Gini Koch
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance
for your counterpart in the other universe. Probably in all the universes, but I don’t have enough data to guess.”
    The wheels were once again spinning. “You’re saying that this person, whoever it was, became the Mastermind?”
    â€œYeah, I am. He turned that loss into a lifelong hatred of and competition with you, which grew into a full-blown mania by the time he was an adult.”
    â€œSo, we just need to figure out who that was in this world, and we’ll know who the Mastermind is.” He looked at me closely. “And everyone else has figured this out. Because the me in that world knew who this guy was, didn’t he?”
    â€œHe did. And Other Me did, too, therefore. They didn’t know he was the Whack-A-Mole King of Lunatic Take Over the World Plans, but they knew who your lifelong enemy was. I mean, they know he was their Mastermind now, because we had to take him out before I came back. But they didn’t know until we switched places.”
    â€œThe Great Mommy Switch, as your counterpart called it, was good for a few things, wasn’t it?” He took a deep breath. “I could start guessing, but I think it’s going to be better if you tell me straight out who the Mastermind is. And, before you ask, I promise you that I’m going to do what you want—react like you did when you found out what Tucci was planning, not how I’m sure I’m going to want to react.”
    Took my own deep breath. “Okay. Dude, just remember two things. One—everyone else is going to kill me if you go into Wolverine’s Patented Berserker Rage. And two—everyone else loves and cares about you. Everyone. Even the guys who act all tetchy about your authority. They may have the Alpha Male head-butt fights with you, but they still care about you. So, you’re not alone in this, okay? We are all, and I do mean all, here for you.”
    Chuckie looked pale. “This is going to be worse than I think it is, isn’t it?”
    â€œYeah. You’re gonna hate it.” Sent another prayer up to the various Powers That Be, and then took the plunge. “The Mastermind is, for certain, Cliff Goodman.”

    C HUCKIE WAS QUIET, which was a good sign. I hoped. Hard as it was not to run my yap nervously, I allowed him to process what I’d said by keeping said yap firmly shut.
    After a good long minute, he swallowed. “So, you’re saying that the man I think is my best friend, the man I was going to have be my best man at my wedding, the one guy I think ‘gets me,’ that man is actually the person responsible for my wife’s death?”
    â€œAnd every other action against us and you, specifically. Yes, that’s what I’m saying.”
    Cleared my throat. “Ah, do I have to tackle you before you make a mad dash for The Retribution Railroad?”
    He shook his head slowly. “No. I understand why no one wanted to tell me. And . . . I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that you were the one to break this news to me. Alone.”
    â€œYou need to go to a workout room and hit something and maybe scream a lot?”
    â€œNo. I want to save the rage. I know that’s what you do these days—you use the rage to control your power, to ensure you’re mad enough to kill if you have to.”
    â€œYeah, I do—”
    The door slammed open, rudely interrupting me, and Jeff, Buchanan, and Gower were there. Gower was built like Jeff and Buchanan—big and buff. He was also black, bald, beautiful, and Reader’s husband. More pertinently in this situation, he was the Supreme Pontifex of the A-C’s religion. Why he was with Jeff and Buchanan wasn’t hard to guess—bring the head religious man when you have someone about to totally lose it.
    All of them looked worried and ready to tackle someone. And all three of them came to a screeching halt, looking

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