Kitty Katt 11: Alien Separation

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Book: Read Kitty Katt 11: Alien Separation for Free Online
Authors: Gini Koch
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance
because I knew without asking that him crying would be a bad thing all the way around, and I was pretty sure he was close to breaking down right now.
    Buchanan knew better, too. He stepped closer to me. “This solves the biggest issue. But we still have an entire set of people who cannot lie who know that Goodman is the Mastermind. We have to debrief each other and then move swiftly, before Goodman catches on and escalates whatever it is he’s planning now.”
    â€œDeath ray. I’m telling you, that’s what he’s working on.”
    â€œSo you said. However, where the death ray is remains our first mystery.”
    The others broke apart. “What’s this about a death ray?” Chuckie asked.
    â€œDebriefing,” Buchanan said in a tone that brooked no argument. “Now. And not here, either. I want everyone back in the Embassy. We can go there first, before any help is offered to Gideon Cleary.”
    Both Chuckie and Gower looked lost. “What?” Gower asked.
    â€œIt’s the usual long story. But I agree with Malcolm. Let’s tell our stories at home.” Looked around. “By the way, where is Jamie?”
    â€œI left her with your parents,” Jeff said. “Who also need this debriefing. Just like everyone else.”
    â€œWhat about those who didn’t know that Kitty switched universes?” Chuckie asked.
    â€œI’m back. We can share the wonder that was my adventure in another world with them, since it’s hugely relevant. They work with us—they’ll all roll with the punches.”
    Jeff hit the intercom button in the room. “We need a voice activated system put into all Bases,” he said, more to himself than anyone else.
    â€œYes, Mister Vice President?” Melissa asked.
    â€œMelissa, please advise Commander Reader that we need all Washington, D.C., NASA Base, Euro Base, and Dulce Base personnel to vacate Sydney Base immediately. Dulce Base personnel should go to the American Centaurion Embassy. All others should go to their home Bases.”
    â€œIs everything alright, sir?” Melissa sounded worried.
    â€œYes, we just need to get back to work on a variety of pressing issues. And the President wants me home, pronto.”
    â€œI’ll take care of it, Mister Vice President. I’ll advise Launch to expect you all.”
    â€œThanks, Melissa.” Jeff hit the intercom button again to close the line. “Let’s get packed up and back home so we can stay ahead of the latest situation that is laughingly called our normal lives. Ah, baby, why don’t you stay here and help Chuck pack up?”
    Chuckie laughed. “She doesn’t have to ride herd on me, Jeff, but if it’ll make you feel better, I’m fine with it.”
    Jeff gave me a quick kiss, then he and the other men headed out. I shook my head. “I’d ask if I’d jumped into another universe if this wasn’t the only one where I know Jeff is on Earth.”
    â€œYou’re sure of that?” Chuckie asked me, as he went to the closet and pulled out a small rolling suitcase.
    â€œAs sure as I can be. I’ve seen what I call the Universe Wheel before—every time I’ve almost died. But I never remembered it until Operation Bizarro World happened.”
    â€œHuh. Well, hopefully that knowledge will give us an edge, even if it’s a small one.”
    â€œA girl can dream.”
    â€œYeah.” He checked the suitcase. As I’d expected, it was already packed. The Operations Team, aka Algar, King of the Elves, was good that way. “Kitty . . . do you think that maybe my role in the greater existence is to be the guy who’s never happy?”
    Went to him and hugged him tightly. “No. You’re happy in all the other universes I saw, even the ones where we aren’t married to each other. And, I promise you—you’ll be happy again in this universe, too. Even

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