Kinky Girls Do ~ Bundle Two
relaxed, allowing her to
climb off him. As she stepped away, he rocked up onto his
shoulders, pulled his feet up, and kicked out, thrusting himself
upright. The fluidity of his movements, the sheer power had her jaw
dropping. She had seen him do some interesting moves like that when
they had worked out together and he had taught her to defend
herself, which coincidentally was where she discovered how much she
liked being pinned down—by the right man.
    But she didn't have time to drool as she
would have liked because he moved towards her, herding her
backwards. That look was back in his eyes, the one that screamed
dominant male.
    As she turned and headed back up the stairs,
she could feel him looming behind her, the heat of his skin
radiating against her. She shivered at the images it evoked: his
nude sweat-drenched body covering her as he held her wrists pinned
in one hand, the other holding him up as he thrust into her.
    When she reached the landing, she paused.
Shawn leaned in, his breath hot and moist against her neck. "Having
second thoughts?"
    Lydia shook her head and forced a simple
"no," past her parched lips. Licking them, she tried to vocalize
her dilemma. "Do you want me to change? Or just, um, strip."
    "I want you to go into the bedroom, and then
I'm going to do what I want to you, when I want. You'll wait,
wondering what I want you to do next. What I will do to you
    If Shawn's hand hadn't pressed gently
against her back, Lydia wasn't sure she would have been able to
move, the idea was so delicious. Helpless, completely bending to
his will, his whims.
    Shawn stopped her as she reached the bed and
turned her around, pulling her into his arms. "I wanted to go
slow," he growled, "to savor you this first time. But I've waited
so long."
    His mouth crashed down over hers, his tongue
taking possession of her mouth. Lydia almost fainted at the sweet
euphoria flooding through her. This was what she had always wanted,
not the lukewarm passion she had settled for. As she submitted
completely to his touch, she felt freer than she ever dreamed she
    Shawn cupped her ass, gently kneading the
flesh as he pulled her tighter into his body. His legs bracketed
hers, holding her tucked against the cradle of his body. He tore
his lips from her.
    "How I want you," he whispered, his voice
trembling with emotions Lydia couldn't even begin to separate and
    Stepping back, he twisted them around so
that his back was to the bed. Slowly, he sat down, his hands
retaining a firm grip on her hips. "Now, strip for me."
    Shyly Lydia stepped back and raised her
hands to her hair, pulling the tresses free from the clip holding
them up. As the silken strands settled about her shoulders, she
turned her back to him. Untying the belt of her robe, she quickly
let it slid to the floor. Unbuttoning her pajama top, she let it
dip slightly back, baring the briefest hint of shoulders, before
letting it slip completely to the floor, her breasts bared to the
air-conditioned air circulating throughout the room.
    She paused, uncertain. She could hear Shawn
breathing harshly behind her, but even as she knew he wanted her,
she wasn't certain just what to do. Having a fantasy was one
thing—knowing how to carry it out, completely different.
    "Turn around."
    Lydia obeyed the command in his voice, her
chin tucked against her chest. She could hear the bed creak as he
stood. His fingers were firm and gentle as Shawn cupped her chin,
forcing her gaze to his.
    After loosening the tie of her pajama
bottoms, she gave them a soft push, sliding them down her legs, to
pool at her feet. All that was left was her panties, and she would
be bared to Shawn's knowing eyes. Her gaze still locked on his, she
grabbed the ties at the sides of her thong and tugged, sending it
floating to the floor.
    As his eyes drifted over her, she trembled,
knowing what he was seeing; the hard beads of her nipples begging
to be touched, the faint tan lines of her

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