Kinky Girls Do ~ Bundle Two
school. And that failed miserably."
    A giggle escaped before she could control
it. In answer, Shawn's lips curved into a grin. "It's true. We got
drunk one night and he told me all about it. Showed me pictures his
mom took, too. And that's another problem, he's a momma's boy. He
probably needed you to dominate him, not hand the reins over to
    Remembering all the times that she had had
to take control, she nodded.
    "Well, there you have it. What you need is a
man who is secure enough in his masculinity to be willing to let
you dominate, and to fulfill your fantasies, including letting you
submit to him. And I know the perfect guy for you."
    "You do?" Afraid of which one of his friends
he was going to try to set her up with, she almost didn't ask. She
didn't want one of his friends. She wanted him.
    "Yeah, I do." Without any warning, his head
swooped down and his lips pressed against hers. Unconsciously, her
lips parted beneath his, allowing his tongue entrance into her
mouth. All too quickly, it was over. "Me."
    Lydia giggled again, hoping she hadn't heard
him wrong; her ears were still ringing from that kiss. But afraid
to act in case she had.
    "Let me prove it to you."
    Still shocked, she just nodded.
    "Get up off of my lap, and run. And when I
catch you, I expect you to put up a fight."
    On shaky legs, Lydia stood and moved around
the couch. Like a deer caught in headlights, she remained there,
waiting for him to move. His head whipped around, his gaze locking
on her. She wasn't certain what she saw in his eyes, but it had
never been there before. He looked almost—feral.
    "I. Said. Run," he bit out and stood.
    With a shriek, Lydia took off, running out
of the living room, her bathrobe flaring around her hips. She
turned the corner and paused, peeking back into the living room in
time to see him leap off the couch and move across the room like a
panther, stalking his prey.
    Her bare feet slapped against the hardwood
stairs as she hurried up, Shawn hot on her heels. As she reached
the top, she could hear his breath right behind her. He reached out
a hand, and she barely darted away, pushing into her office and
slamming the door.
    Shawn pounded on the door, then tried the
knob. As the door swung open, he was wearing a triumphant grin.
Lydia backed away from him as he crossed the room towards her. This
wasn't the Shawn she knew, the calm and controlled gentleman.
    Just as he was about to grab her, she ducked
under his outstretched arm and raced away. Panting with her
exertions and the thrill of being chased, she raced back down the
stairs. Shawn pounded down behind her, and succeeded in tackling
her at the base of the stairs. Even as she fell, she registered him
turning to cushion her fall with his body.
    Trapped against his chest, she wiggled,
trying to get away. His strong hands clasped her around the waist,
his legs locked around hers, holding her pinned. She wiggled,
thrilled at the sensation of his hard cock digging into her back.
Suddenly, she didn't have the will to struggle anymore. She was
aroused, and she had a feeling that he was more than aware of it.
If she had to bet on it, she would lay her money on her panties
being soaked by now.
    "You done struggling now?" Shawn whispered
in her ear, his breath tickling the sensitive lobe. In response,
she renewed her struggles, but soon gave up. She was well and truly
    "Good girl. Now I'm going to let you go and
you're going to walk slowly and sweetly up the stairs. If I have to
chase you again, it won't go well for you." There was the briefest
hint of steel to his voice, which only served to cause Lydia's
pulse to flutter. She wanted to protest that she had only made him
chase her because he told her to, but this was what she had been
dreaming of—Shawn bending her to his will. She couldn't have
planned a better birthday if she had tried.
    Nodding her head against his chest, she
agreed to behave herself.
    His arms and legs

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