Kinky Girls Do ~ Bundle Two
as she yanked it from his hands. Shawn let the ice cream go, only
to clasp her hips in his large hands and pull her into his lap.
    "There, now that I've got your attention,
tell me what happened."
    Lydia struggled to get up, but weakened by a
day of crying and heartache, she soon gave up and settled into the
warmth and comfort her friend offered. "He broke up with me."
    "I know that part. He told me at the gym.
When he told me that he left you crying, and laughed about it, I
hit him."
    "He laughed about it?" If anything, it made
her feel worse. Struggling to hold back the fresh tears, she
scooped another spoonful of ice cream up and licked it off the
    "Sorry, I shouldn't have told you that."
Shawn pulled the ice cream from her hands and set it aside before
he continued. "It made him feel like a big man or something.
Although all of the guys were fairly pissed at him, and I know if I
hadn't, several of them would have hit him themselves."
    "I'm glad you hit him," she mumbled against
his chest as she burrowed into his warmth. Although her
relationship has just ended, it wasn't the fact that it was over
that hurt; it was how much she had misjudged her ex. She knew she
would get over him, but wasn't sure how long it would take her to
trust a new guy.
    "So, what happened?"
    Shawn's warm hand clasped the back of her
neck, tipping her head to the side, and then he ran his fingers
through her hair. She wanted to melt into him, it felt so good.
    "We had a fight. He called me a sexual
deviant and he wanted nothing to do with me."
    "You? A sexual deviant?" Lydia could feel
the rumble of his laughter deep in his chest. "You're too sweet to
be a deviant, sexual or otherwise."
    Hysterical laughter bubbling within her,
Lydia retorted, "I thought so too. But evidently I am."
    "Just what is it you wanted to try?"
    Her cheeks hot, Lydia burrowed further
against his chest, inhaling deeply of Shawn's cologne. Just his
scent was enough to get her hot, it always had. "I don't want to
talk about it."
    His hand left her hair and moved to her
chin, cupping it and forcing her head up. Lydia struggled to meet
his gaze, even as she wished he would just let the whole thing
    "Since when have we had secrets from each
other?" If only he knew just what all I am keeping secret, she
    "It's too embarrassing." Lydia imagined
Shawn's gaze peering into her soul as he continued to just look at
    Pulling away from his hand, she dipped her
chin to her chest and sat up, bending her legs and wrapping her
arms around them. "Since it's my birthday he asked if I had
anything I wanted to try. And I told him that I wanted him to
dominate me."
    "Pardon?" Shawn asked, his voice
    Lydia smiled sadly. "I didn't want him to
hurt me, or anything like that. I just wanted him to dominant me.
Tie me up, spank me, and maybe some light role-play. I just wanted
to feel helpless, completely at his mercy. And he did ask..."
    Despite clearing his throat, Shawn's voice
was still raspy when he spoke. "And was it just him you envisioned
doing this? Or is it a fantasy of yours and you were willing to let
him play the part?"
    "Just let him, I guess. He's not exactly the
overpowering type. But I was willing to settle for him, if he'd at
least consider it."
    "And let me guess, when you told him, he
freaked, right?"
    Lydia nodded, completely miserable. Now that
he had forced the answer out of her, Shawn probably thought she was
a freak, too.
    As his hand cupped her chin, she tried to
resist, but he gently prevailed, forcing her gaze up to meet his.
"He wasn't the right man for you, Lydia. He's not man enough for
you. You intimidated him."
    She couldn't believe it, instead of pushing
her away; he was trying to make her feel better. Maybe he didn't
think she was such a freak.
    "Look at you, a successful entrepreneur with
your own advertising company, and you're just twenty-five. The only
thing he ever started on his own was a lemonade stand in

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