better get used to us. I’m afraid you’re stuck with us.”
Chris moved into the bathroom and leaned against the door after Gracie left her. She had a feeling that the woman was right. And Chris thought perhaps she was going to have to keep her guard up in order to keep herself from becoming a part of this group.
Lifting her hands to her face, she felt the mark on her hand move again. Looking at it, she thought of when she’d lifted her hands to push Joey away. Something had scared her to death.
Her sigil looked different. She could see that now. The blue of it was still there, but there were other colors as well. The greens and the reds were new, as well as the yellow that seemed to be wrapping around her wrist and moving up under the sleeve. Lifting her shirt up, she could see that the entire sigil had moved up her arm and was now almost to her elbow. It moved again while she watched.
“No.” Pulling the sleeve back down, she tried to think what was happening to her. “No way is this going on. I’m under stress. I’m seeing things.”
But she knew better. She was changing with the mark on her hand. The words of her mother came back to her then, just as if she was telling her at that moment.
“There are witches about that can evolve into more. And once they meet their other half, it will make them stronger. There will be nothing that can come between them, and the witch will have power beyond anything that has ever been known to our kind.” Angel had asked if it was one of them, but their mom had said no. “We’re not that kind of witch. We use ours to make our lives easier. Like when you want a book to read, you bring it to you. You need to know where someone is, you can search. The kind of power that I’m talking about will move mountains, kill your enemies, and destroy your lives. People will hunt you down when they find out. They won’t understand it, so they’ll try to destroy you and it. Never wish that kind of magic into your lives, my daughters. It is too dangerous for the likes of us.”
“How do you know when they have it?” Her mother had touched her fingers to her forehead and she saw it all. The change to their mark, the way their magic grew, and then the way that witches had been burned at the stake. The witch’s body had flamed up and then suddenly disappeared in a ball of flames.
“You’d do well to remember that, love. And not let your magic get the better of you, ever. Once people find out what you are, it changes them. Makes them say and do things that will harm you and us.” Chris had nodded. “You’ll keep us safe, I know that, but Angel will be more…difficult to control. You must keep her close to you at all times. If they find out, people will kill you.”
And now it appeared that something was going on with her, and she had no idea what it was. Chris looked at the mark again and realized that it was still growing, still moving. Pulling her sleeve down again, she washed her face and hands and left the bathroom. Without knowing what she had to do specifically, Chris knew that she had to go back home and hide again. There was no way that this was going to change her like it had her mother and sister.
Entering the room that was filled with big men, she nearly turned and left again. But Joey saw her and pulled her into the room. She thought perhaps he’d been waiting for her, but that couldn’t be true. No man watched for her. As she was led to the couch, which was near a fireplace that looked large enough to roast several people in, Chris shivered. Joey took her hand and kissed it. Instead of making a scene and pulling away from him, she let her hand settle in his.
“I need my sister’s things.” Micah looked at her dad, then at her when she spoke. “She contacted me just before she died and said that you have it. If you’d be so kind as to give it to me, we can be on our way and not bother you any longer.”
“I was just telling your dad here that I didn’t