stepfather’s family was another issue that he was aware of, and the problems it was causing them. He only nodded and opened the door.
When she didn’t readily take his hand when he offered it to her, he looked into the limo and saw that she was crying again. Joey let her, standing guard until she was finished. When she slid out of the back seat, he took her hand and was surprised when she let him. Joey could have howled at the moon, he was so happy.
As soon as they entered the big house, Chris asked to use the bathroom. A very beautiful woman with a child in her arms told her to follow her. As they moved down the hall, the woman started talking.
“I’m Reggie Bentley. Micah is my husband. And this little girl is Alexis. Her sister is in the living room with my mother-in-law, Gracie. You’ll just love her.” Before Chris could ask her why she thought she would, Reggie started talking again. “I’ve had your things put up in the second bedroom at the top of the stairs. Your dad is across the hall. Milly will be helping you out while you’re here, and I think Joey will be staying as well. Here’s the bathroom.”
Chris looked into the large half bath, then back at the woman. “I don’t know who Milly is, but we won’t be staying that long for me to need her. And Joey will not be staying with me. I’ve told him that it’s not going to work out. I need to get back to work.”
Reggie laughed. “I never said Joey was staying with you. But his house is not finished, so he’s going to be staying here, as his trailer has been moved off his property. The furniture that he ordered for his bedroom is late coming.” Chris flushed hotly. “And as for it not working out with him, I’m pretty sure that it already has. You smell like him. Strongly too. As for your job…well, when you come to the living room, we’ll explain what we’ve been able to find out.”
“My job?” Reggie nodded and the baby in her arms fussed, so she turned to go. “Wait. You can’t just say that and walk away. What about my job?”
“The living room is down this hallway and to the right. Second right. The first right will take you to the office. I think Joey is using it right now. Something about a case he’s been working on with Micah. So if you need a few minutes with him, then the first right. Anyway, see you down there in a few.”
Chris stomped her foot and growled. The laughter that came back at her had her turning to the left. Another beautiful woman stood there with another baby.
“I’m Gracie. This is Anne.” Chris nodded and knew immediately that this was Joey’s mother. “You’re very pretty, aren’t you? But you’ve a smudge of makeup from your tears. I can have Milly bring you your case if you’d like to freshen up a little.”
“This house is nuts, you know that, don’t you? I mean, everyone around here seems to be on some kind of…I don’t know, trip. You’re all just too calm and quiet.” Gracie laughed. “I’m afraid I’d never fit in here. Even if what Joey said is true, I’m not like you guys. I like it…loud.”
“No you don’t. You’re just used to it that way. Strife and anger seemed to be a big part of your life up until now. Work mostly, I’m thinking. Am I right?” Chris nodded. “We’re a big loud family when we want to be. But now, for the moment, things are calm for us. I’m sure a few minutes after going into the living room, you’ll wonder why you ever thought we were anything but a loud, argumentative bunch of overbearing, nosey people. But we’re family, your family now, and we stick together.”
“I don’t want that.” Gracie patted her on the cheek as she moved by her. “I just want my life back the way it was. I want…I want it to be normal.”
Gracie stopped and turned to her. “Oh, honey. Normal is long gone. The bus has not only left the station for you, but has left you no forwarding address and won’t return. You’re a Bentley now, and you had
David Smith with Carol Ann Lee