Julia Westgard would have to admit defeat when she failed to sell that bloody silk handkerchief of his in her Society’s auction.
His cane hit the sidewalk with a small crack of noise, and he frowned. What the devil was wrong with him? He’d never been this enthralled with a woman before. What was so special about Julia that had him tied up in knots? He grimaced. That was an easy question to answer. It was that damn portrait that had gotten him into this infernal mess.
He could have easily found several other investors to make up for the sizable capital she’d put into the business. Even his solicitor had been surprised by the addition of Julia Westgard’s name to the investor list. Women were rarely allowed to invest in his businesses. And certainly not young attractive ones. He’d had far too many women eye him as marriage material, and he had no intention of falling prey to that condition. He knew all too well what havoc that institution could wreak.
As a child, he’d learned early on that houses were filled with nothing but discord. It was why he chose to live at the Clarendon Hotel rather than purchase a townhome. He had no wish to be reminded of his childhood. Besides, the hotel suited his needs well, while eliminating the possibility of a mistress thinking there was anything permanent in their relationship. And it was exactly why he’d made it his habit never to do business with a woman unless she was well beyond marrying age.
Now he’d broken that unwritten rule, and he was paying for it. He must have been insane to let the woman invest in his company. No, simply blinded by lust. A desire that would have faded eventually if the woman hadn’t walked into his offices on Beckton Road near the docks with an offer to invest in his company. That serene façade of hers had only served to increase his determination to seduce her.
When he’d discovered her in his bedroom fleecing one of his silk handkerchiefs, he’d taken full advantage of the situation. For once, that ridiculous story circulating among the Marlborough Set had yielded something other than his amusement. It would give him Julia, and he would enjoy every minute of her comeuppance. And when he was done with her, she’d be begging for a second silk handkerchief.
Morgan paused at the stoop of Lady Eldred’s town home. Pulling his pocket watch out, he clicked the timepiece open. Excellent, just in time for the auction. Lady Eldred had taken great care to apprise him of the Society’s meeting schedule and had agreed to keep his impending visit a secret. Julia was about to have the surprise of her life. He smiled as he strode up the steps and used the brass knocker.
The door opened immediately, and he handed over his hat, gloves and cane to the butler. From the partially open salon door, he heard Julia’s voice ringing out. It was a melodious sound. But then everything about her was pleasing, right down to the way the pulse on the side of her neck throbbed erratically when she was in his arms.
He slid quietly into the room to take a seat in the chair Lady Eldred had told him she would save for him. Julia’s attention was focused on one of the Society members, and he was pleased his arrival had gone unnoticed. From his seat in the back of the room, he watched and waited.
“So you see, ladies, this handkerchief is available to the highest bidder today. Think of it. This silk square belonged to the notorious Morgan St. Claire, and it was procured under the most harrowing circumstances.”
“Exactly what were these excruciating conditions, Mrs. Westgard?”
“Start the bidding with twenty pounds, Lady Plumton and I’ll tell you.”
He watched the woman in question nod her head in agreement. Julia’s radiant smile made him suck in a sharp breath and his cock stirred in his trousers. Damn, but the woman was an enticing witch.
“Thank you, my lady. I have twenty pounds—do I hear forty while I share with Lady Plumton as to how I came by