together, but you beat her to it.”
We talk a little more and my tension eases. Despite her fervent belief in happy endings—the story kind, not the massage version—Rochelle is incredibly down to earth and easy to talk to. She talks about the places she’s visited and the sights she’s taken in. About how she likes to immerse herself in a character’s location well before filming starts, to get a feel for who she’s supposed to be portraying. We watch one of her movies together, a retro film noir piece from early in her career. By the time it ends she’s snoring softly on the couch.
The snoring starlet. Too bad you don’t have your phone, you’d get a million hits on You Tube, Snarkarella says.
Like I would ever betray her trust that way after all she’s done for me. I cover her with the blanket and head to my monochromatic room. Again sleep proves elusive, so I imagine going to all the places Rochelle has been. In each frame Connor is by my side, but a lighter, happier version of Connor, one not burdened by ghosts from his past.
The pounding on the front door wakes me from a dead sleep. The digital clock reads 4:50 in the morning. This is no social call.
Darting from the bed, I head into the hallway. Rochelle is already at the door, and though the security chain is on, I jolt with unease at the sound of Connor’s voice.
“Damn you Rochelle, is she here?”
“Connor. Go home.”
“Answer me!”
“One of my neighbors is gonna call the cops if you don’t settle down.”
I can’t stand by and let her fight my battles for me. That weak, traitorous part of me is thrilled he found me so fast. At the same time, I’m dismayed that I really can’t run very far before he’ll catch me.
“It’s okay, Rochelle.”
She casts me a dubious look as I move closer to the door. “You sure?”
“Let me in,” Connor growls like the big bad wolf. I know that commanding tone and which version is in charge.
Rochelle makes a disgusted noise. “Get your fat foot out of the door so I can take the chain off. And I swear, you try to take her from here before she’s ready and I will tell the tabloids everything .”
He barely spares her a glance, his blue-eyed gaze trained on me. My heart pounds frantically, adrenaline surging in my system as she unchains the door and allows him entrance.
Rochelle looks from Connor to me and back again. “Do you want me to stay?”
“No,” he barks. I see his chest rising and falling rapidly, see him struggle for control.
“We’ll be fine,” I assure her. I wish there was some actual conviction in my words.
She rolls her eyes. “I’m going to bed then. Lock up behind him, Baily. One way or another.”
His gaze scalds me where I stand. Crossing my arms over my chest, I wait until I hear the scrape of her bedroom door. “How did you find me?”
“It wasn’t easy. I called every single person in your phone book and when they all swore they hadn’t seen you I decided to try here.”
“I’m sorry I made you worry.”
“But not that you left me .” He makes it sound like the most reviled crime.
Lifting my chin, I meet his gaze. “No Connor, I can’t be sorry for that.”
A muscle jumps in his jaw and he rasps, “Why?”
“Because you lied to me. Him, I could forgive for that, because I know how uncertain he is, how careful not to upset the apple cart. It makes sense that he wouldn’t say anything about Pops. We were always treading carefully, figuring things out as we went along. He would have been afraid of how I would react.
But you knew exactly how I would react. How much it would hurt me to find out, not just what my grandfather did, but that you hid it from me. I had a right to know, Connor. Why you bought the Rosemont. Why you wanted me. Our relationship was built on trust. Or at least I thought it was.”
“I want you in spite of what your grandfather did. That should count for something.”
“Why? Why should I accept the past