In the Eye of a Storm

Read In the Eye of a Storm for Free Online

Book: Read In the Eye of a Storm for Free Online
Authors: Mary Mageau
Tags: Fiction, Young Adult
message from Dunod. She read
it aloud in disbelief.
    Laneve, I am on my way to Berlin. This morning one of my stable
hands reported that a group of revolutionary guards were making their way
toward our chateau. I asked him to give me his clothing, his old horse, and to
leave two fresh horses for me in the Charnade  Forest.
    I only had time to pack some gold and jewellery in a small sack,
with bread and cheese to sustain me on my journey. After smearing my face with
dirt and letting my hair hang loose, I was able to ride in my disguise past the
marching guards and make my way into the woods without being recognized. I was
off on a fresh horse before they reached my front door. I will ride night and
day until I’m safely away from France.
    Now, I say this to you with urgency. You and Malande must leave
immediately. Take only what you need and travel to Berlin. When you reach the
city, go to the French Council General located at Unter den Linden. He will
know where to find me. And now perhaps I should not say this, but I must tell
you that I have the deepest feelings for you, Laneve. Meet me in Berlin and let
me care for you there. I will wait for you.
    Your ever faithful and loving,

    The time for planning was now well and truly over – the time for action
had arrived.
     ‘Malande, we are leaving tonight after darkness falls. There is
little time to prepare so please go and pack several plain dresses, shawls some
night wear, shoes and toiletries for both of us. Place them in the sea chest I
showed you. Never mind about sewing jewels into our travel dresses. That can
come later. I will speak to our cook and housemaid while I send Daniel to
secure a small coach and two horses for our departure’
    ‘And I’ll be away now, Laneve, to begin our packing.’
    ‘Come back here within two hours to talk with me again. We have no time
to lose.’
    Both women went about their preparations with great haste. Laneve’s
quick planning left her no time to worry or become frightened. Her mind was
calm and collected as she continued her plans for their departure. Both women
held a final meeting as the shadows lengthened to signal the coming sunset.
    ‘The sea chest is packed and I’ve also gathered some provisions for our
coach travel: bread, fruit, cold meat, cheese and a bottle of wine. We won’t go
hungry on the way.’
    ‘Well done, Malande. I’ve spoken to our cook and she will leave soon to
join with her sister and husband. The couple have an inn near the village and
will be pleased to have her help in the kitchen.
    Our little housemaid, Anne, will go to her aunt’s home on the outskirts
of Paris. I’ve given both women an extra month’s wage and money for their
travel. Daniel has secured the coach.
    He and Edouard will stay right here. There is work for them to do and
food to eat. They feel quite happy and safe. Now let’s both sit down while I
explain something else I want you to hear.’
    Malande brought two glasses of wine and some cheese as Laneve placed
two chairs near the large windows. ‘I have never told you that some time ago I
received an official letter from Captain Bernard Sarrette. Perhaps you remember
him as he often attended our concerts.’
    ‘Yes, I do. He too is a fine military band musician.’
    ‘Several years from now the new Conservatoire Nationale de Musique will open its doors for the first time. It is envisaged that this school, under
the direction of Bernard Sarrette, will be the finest in Europe. Imagine my
amazement when he and his colleagues invited me to be the head professor within
the keyboard faculty.  I will be required to teach both harpsichord and
the fortepiano to a select group of students.’
    ‘Oh, how wonderful. What an honour.’
    ‘After speaking to Rene, I have said yes to his request. In 1795 I will
have a new position and paid employment. Now if we flee from here and reach
Berlin safely, I will have two years in which to see if the revolution

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