In the Eye of a Storm

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Book: Read In the Eye of a Storm for Free Online
Authors: Mary Mageau
Tags: Fiction, Young Adult
down enough for me to return to France.
    If instead, I am arrested, it is my hope that I will be acquitted to
begin this work. And so, we leave together tonight for Berlin unless something
else happens to the contrary. If I am taken away you must hide in the secret room,
under the back kitchen stairway, until all have gone.
    Stay here with Daniel and Edouard until I return again. Should you hear
of my death, then take the contents of the strongbox and use the jewels to make
yourself a new life. The contents will be yours, in appreciation for your love
and friendship toward me.’
    ‘Laneve, God willing we will leave together tonight, but I will accept
the conditions you have given me.’
    ‘Now let us go to the dining room as two cold plates are waiting for
us. We must eat quickly and be away from here.’
    As the two women shared their last meal together at the chateau they
became aware of a commotion in the driveway.
    Daniel suddenly burst into the dining room. ‘Madame, there are several
soldiers, members of the Revolutionary Guard approaching the chateau’s main
door. They are carrying muskets.’
    ‘Malande, you and Daniel must run now and hide. They will be looking
only for me.’
    ‘Laneve, I can’t do this. I won’t leave you.’
    ‘I order you both to leave immediately and pray that one day I will
return. Now be away quickly!’
    The door to the kitchen had just closed when armed men burst into the
dining room. Laneve stood calmly facing them. 
    ‘Laneve, Marquise de Marais, we are here to place you under arrest.
Through your royalist connections you have become an enemy of France. We have
orders to take you away and imprison you in La Force where you will
await your trial and sentencing. Vive la Republique!’

    Days moved into weeks and weeks flowed into months as Laneve braved the
darkness, the damp and filth of her prison. She made friends with many of the
other women who shared a large cell with her. They comforted each other and
divided their few possessions among those who had none. They also prayed
together as one by one they were taken away.
    On one occasion, Edouard made a brief visit with news from the chateau.
‘No revolutionary guards have returned so we are all feeling quite safe. Two
weeks ago someone broke into our chicken yard and stole five hens. Later I
found two in the forest so we still have fresh eggs.’
    ‘Has there been any damage done to the chateau from looting?’
    ‘We are fortunate because we are far back from the road and well
screened by trees and the surrounding woodlands. I also brought a large hound
from my former master. His ferocious bark keeps intruders away.
    Malande has stored root vegetables from the garden for the winter. We
don’t have a great amount of food to eat, but we’re not starving. We sometimes
share eggs, potatoes, carrots and onions in return for fresh meat.
    But we all want to know how you are? You look so thin now.’
    ‘I am continuing to survive and I feel that my trial will be announced
soon. Only then will I know if I’m to be released or condemned to death.
    Be sure to thank Malande for sending me the warm shawl and a white
linen cap. I’ll save these items for my trial as my other dress has a tear in
the shoulder. You must leave now as a guard is approaching but carry my loving
affection back to all.’
    Two weeks later, the news reached Laneve that her trial would take
place the following afternoon. She barely slept that night, then prepared by
brushing her dress and arranging the white cap and shawl.
    After saying goodbye to the women who had shared so many days with her,
two guards appeared and escorted her to the Tribunal of Public Health.
    The large room was filled with onlookers and those who attended the
trials as a form of entertainment. In a corner sat a tall distinguished man,
who carried a sheaf of papers. Two judges and a secretary summoned her to the
centre of the room as one of them spoke loudly.
    ‘Laneve, the

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