Full Circle (Avalon: Web of Magic #12)

Read Full Circle (Avalon: Web of Magic #12) for Free Online

Book: Read Full Circle (Avalon: Web of Magic #12) for Free Online
Authors: Rachel Roberts
here?” Kara called out.
    “Tell them, Emily. This is the only place the lighting board can go,” Adriane retorted, holding her ground.
    “And what about the banner?” Molly asked. “Magenta or fuchsia?”
    “What do you think, Em?”
    Everyone looked at her, waiting.
    Emily shrugged. “Whatever, I’m not going to the dance anyway. I’m just returning these to the library.” She tried to skulk away but bumped right into Heather.
    “You know,” Heather began, “I had three gerbils, a turtle, and six goldfish. I know what it’s like to lose a pet.” The auburn haired girl broke out in big tears.
    Emily took a step back. “Um, yeah. Upsetting.”
    “I stopped getting pets altogether.” Heather sniffled, then checked her nails. “Every time you dress them up, they die.”
    Kara took Heather’s arm. “Heather, that’s very nice, but could you, like, go be sad over there?”
    “All this fuss over a ferret,” Tiffany said.
    Kara held up her finger. “Enough!”
    “You get our emails?” Adriane asked Emily, leaving the guys to finish the wiring.
    Emily nodded. “All five thousand of them.”
    “We need to talk,” the warrior stated.
    “Yeah, we can’t believe you’re not coming to the dance!” Kara said, offended.
    Adriane glared at the blazing star. “I meant about Avalon.”
    “Oh, right.” Kara was contrite.
    “We’ve been preparing a very thorough presentation for you,” Adriane continued.
    “Wait till you see,” Kara enthused. “You are going to come back and help us so fast!”
    Emily paused. “I’m just here to return these books. That’s all.”
    “Hi, Emily.” The gentle voice of Adriane’s grandmother, Nakoda, called from the second floor balcony. “It’s nice to see you again. You haven’t been around lately.”
    “Yeah.” Emily stared at her tennis shoes.
    Gran stuck her hands in the pockets of her dark green dress and surveyed the hubbub with twinkling black eyes. “Everything looks just wonderful.” She removed a letter from her pocket. “Anyone know anything about something called Savage Lips?”
    “They’re only the coolest band around,” Joey raved.
    “Well, they’re booked for your dance and ready to rock!” Gran announced.
    A crowd of kids ran over, amid cries of, “That is dope!” and, “All right!”
    Marcus gaped in awe. “Wow, how did we get them?”
    “Ravenswood has quite the reputation thanks to all of you.” Gran chuckled. “Everyone wants to contribute to the good vibes and help protect our forest.”
    “That is so awesome!” Joey said, impressed.
    Adriane caught Kara’s gaze, gesturing at the back entrance to the manor. A flash of red hair disappeared inside. Emily had slipped away while no one was looking.
    “Be right back.” Kara handed Molly her clipboard.
    “Hey, Emily, wait up!” Adriane dashed inside the manor, Kara on her heels.
    “I don’t want to talk about it!” Emily took two steps at a time and hurried along the third floor hallway, heading toward the double wooden doors of the library.
    “Just stay for the presentation,” Kara said.
    “I told you, I’m done.” Emily opened the tall doors—her heart catching when she saw a small figure perched on a stack of pillows, sitting at the computer.
    Tweek turned from the monitor, fluffing Ozzie’s favorite pillow. Dreamer and Lyra stretched out in the rays of sun streaming from the open windows. The magical animals preferred to be in here instead of dodging kids outside.
    “What are you doing?” Emily demanded. “It took Ozzie a long time to get his system organized!”
    The twiggy guy cleared his throat. “Well, since I could never make sense of it, and I’m the only one using the computer now, it seemed logical to…” he trailed off uncomfortably.
    Adriane and Kara flinched as Emily slammed her armload of books on the big oak library table and began sorting through them. Dreamer and Lyra padded over to her.
    “Hi, Emily,” the mistwolf greeted her,

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