Full Circle (Avalon: Web of Magic #12)

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Book: Read Full Circle (Avalon: Web of Magic #12) for Free Online
Authors: Rachel Roberts
everything. Then surely… all will be lost.”
    Emily glanced at the web with haunted eyes.
    “What’s happening over there?” Adriane pointed to the center where greens and blacks twisted and changed, warping before their eyes.
    “Avalon.” Tweek rattled like a wind-up toy as his jewel erupted with bright blue light. “Something is happening, but it’s like I can’t see what’s right in front of my eyes.”
    “Um, Tweek, are you okay?” Kara asked.
    “What?” A jolt rattled the Experimental Fairimental, making his quartz eyes spin like tops. “By the Great Tree! It’s a message from my fellowmentals! They want all three of you at The Garden in Aldenmor immediately, ASAP, and right now!”
    “Finally.” Kara breathed a sigh of relief. “We’ve been waiting long enough for some answers.”
    “I’ll alert my pack to stand guard over Ravenswood,” the warrior said.
    “You heard the twig, let’s go,” Kara said.
    Dreamer and Lyra padded to their bondeds, ready for action.
    Emily turned and hurried toward the door.
    Kara stepped forward, linking her arm in Emily’s. “They said three. Not two. You are going with us if I have to drag you there. Comprende?”
    Emily opened her mouth to speak.
    Kara held up her finger. “No ifs, ands, or feathers.”
    Adriane took hold of Emily’s other arm. “We go together, Emily.”
    “The pack never leaves anyone behind.” Dreamer gazed at Emily with his deep green eyes.
    Lyra nodded, tail twitching. “This time, we stay together.”
    Emily looked from Adriane to Kara, reading the determination in the sparkling blue and shining black eyes. There was no arguing with either of them when they had their minds set on something.
    “Fine. I’ll go one last time to say goodbye, but then I’m really done. After that, this will all be your problem.”

T ASHA STOOD WAITING as the mages stepped through the shimmering mirror onto a stone pathway. “How was the jump?” the goblin teen asked.
    Dreamer and Lyra followed the mages down a grassy green hill that led them to The Garden, the Fairimental’s stronghold on Aldenmor.
    “Easy,” Kara replied, distracted by all the commotion in the courtyard. Creatures, big and small, bustled in and out of several newly constructed buildings. Tents had been erected everywhere. The aroma of stews and roasted veggies filled the air, coming from a multitude of cooking pots scattered throughout the encampment.
    Adriane zipped her leather jacket. They had left the warm early summer of Ravenswood for the cool wind of fall. Grey skies churned overhead, a portent of colder days to come.
    “One good thing about the new web, it’s very stable.” Tasha eyed Emily as she led the mages around the tents. “Portal and mirror jumps should be extremely smooth.”
    “What’s going on here?” Adriane asked as spriggans and pixies scurried past, arms full of supplies. The creatures avoided all contact with the mages, giving them a wide berth.
    “All available space is being taken by the refugees,” Tasha explained, leading the mages toward the lake.
    “Refugees?” Kara asked.
    “The Garden is open to all who want shelter,” Tasha explained, walking the mages onto the main grounds.
    The normally peaceful sanctuary had become a whirlwind of nervous activity. It seemed half of Aldenmor had set up camp in the rolling hills and sprawling flower-filled fields around the lakeshore. Bright tents of assorted sizes housed trolls, pixies, spriggans, and countless others. Adding to the crowded chaos, the animals who lived full time in The Garden wandered around in clusters, dodging groups of patrolling mistwolves and grazing unicorns. The Garden was filled to capacity.
    “They’ve been coming from all over Aldenmor.” Tasha stepped aside to make way for a clan of brownies carrying tents, pots, and supplies. “The Fairimentals are going to address everybody.”
    “Finally, someone has a plan,” Kara approved.
    The mages crossed a lush meadow

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