before stroking his manhood harder. Kianto wanted to resist her, afraid of her mood and her alien ideas, but could not. His nature was directed to the mating game and no matter the consequence, he was ready to satisfy within minutes.
    The stroking got more intense, wilder, and urgent like a hunger that had to be sated. Won Ta Ki made sounds in her throat he had never heard before. He would have loved to see her face while his body went on automatic with the growing arousal. He bent his back, presenting himself, yet astonished to find his cock enclosed and the leathery skin of Won Ta Ki touching his thighs and hip. The pain that followed cramped his muscles. He balled his fists and lifted his head. The scream stuck behind the gag as some sharp thing pressed around his cock like tongs. He wanted to make her understand that she was hurting him, but could not. Her melodious voice appeared to soothe him, and when her fingers massaged his upper body, he knew she did not mean to harm him. Breathing heavily, he tried to ride out the pain and stay conscious as the tightness grew and something hot and wet played with his foreskin before slowly moving down his length. Then, all of a sudden, the pain melted away and left only warmth and a feeling of utter satisfaction he had never experienced before. The pressure and the pain remained, somewhere beneath, and with delay he realized that she still held him. He understood her action was meant to be playful and he went with the rhythm, sensing the alien with all his nerves. There was her light warm skin, leathery and smooth, then her fingers playing on his belly as if drumming to an unheard melody, and there was her voice, enchanting him to make him feel good. In a weird way he even understood some words as if the bodily contact influenced his mental state.
    When his cock was released, Won Ta Ki moved backwards slowly and the singing ended. Kianto’s head slumped back on the bed. He panted as if he had run. All nerves in his lower body were on alert and so sensitive he almost jumped at the faintest touch.
    Won Ta Ki purred.
    “Your instrument of mating is very interesting,” she stated while her hands explored the object and moved back when he twitched. “There is strength in it and yet it can be so soft.”
    Kianto panted, sweating and wanted to ask her what she had done with him. His head spun and he could not cope with the strange and wonderful emotion she had evoked. Blurs of light filled his head and slowly abated. Won Ta Ki sang while she washed him with warm water. The touch was pleasant and he realized he had not been hurt too badly.
    Another voice mingled with Won Ta Ki’s and a lively discussion followed of which he only understood a word here and there, not enough to make out a meaning. He was content to be whole and satisfied—until something hard and tight closed around his manhood, followed by another object that was pushed into his backside. He made a sound of disgust in his throat that was commented by the Mawanies with more musical sounds.
    Then the gag was taken away.
    “What did you do to me?” Kianto asked at once. “Let me see!”
    “Not yet, Kianto. You are not yet ready to be released.”
    “Untie me! You have no right—”
    “I have all the right I need,” Won Ta Ki replied, her voice suddenly hard and unrelenting. “You betrayed us and I will punish you the way I see fit.”
    “Cast me out, then. I’ll leave.”
    “So you keep me as a prisoner?”
    “I employ you further in spite of your crime. That is a mercy not many are granted.”
    Kianto snorted. He wanted to appear strong, but her tone left him shaken.
    “So what will you do?”
    “I will keep you close.”
    “Close?” He would not have been more surprised if she had told him to talk and tweet like a Mawany. “Why would you want me close?”
    Won Ta Ki did not answer and went on talking with the other Mawany in the room.
    “Hey, I can still hear you. What’s on your

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