another question. Won Ta Ki’s girlfriend purred low, indicating a giggle.
    “Why did you do this to me?”
    Won Ta Ki followed his gaze down to his enclosed cock.
    “It will keep the others from being bold, don’t you think? Or do you want them to break it so that you can enjoy their mating organs? Do you expect me to make arrangements? I won’t. In the wake of your betrayal I ordered all servants to be chastised.” She sighed. “You brought disorder, Kianto, that is something the one who made me does not like, and he will not suffer disobedience. Not from you or from anyone else. You are employed for entertainment. You promised to serve.”
    “I never—”
    “Be quiet.
    Kianto evaded her threatening stare. She was right, and he needed the payment so his rush of obstinacy faded quickly. He let her feed him, since it was the only way to fill his grumbling stomach.
    She shared her tankard with him and for the first time he tasted Mawany wine. It was much stronger than he had expected and it was not too long before he felt much better, lighter and very relaxed.
    “You can have me if you want to,” he heard himself say, and the two Mawanies purred as they lowered their heads toward him.
    “We will have you,” Won Ta Ki replied. “And you will love us more than before.”
    Kianto blinked and the chastity device was gone. Instead, Won Ta Ki’s girlfriend had her mouth over his limp cock. He saw sharp teeth emerging from her small mouth and moved backwards rapidly.
    “Hey, wait! No biting!”
    Won Ta Ki held his shoulders to look him in the eyes.
    “Calm. She won’t hurt you.”
    And if he had not believed her, the teeth scraped lightly over his sensitive skin without breaking it. He flinched, but held still, afraid it would hurt more if he jumped. Holding his breath, he watched the Mawany woman wake his cock. Her hands massaged his inner thighs with strong moves, doing more and more to put him at ease. It did not take long and Kianto rested his head on the moving floor and let Won Ta Ki and her girlfriend have the fun of his body.
    “Untie my hands,” he croaked when he tried to move. “They hurt.”
    “You are about to learn that every pain leads to pleasure.” She ran her hands across his chest and the contact made his skin crawl. He wanted to be taken and still be in control. It seemed impossible to hold back and yet, before he was ready to burst, Won Ta Ki told her girlfriend to stop.
    Irritated, Kianto lifted his head.
    “Be quiet. You ruin it.”
    Kianto frowned then ripped open his eyes as a thin creature slipped out of Won Ta Ki’s hand to wind around his rock hard cock. Like a snake around a flower stem, the small beast made an effort to reach his glans.
    “This is a grown muri ,” she explained. “She likes you.”
    Kianto panted.
    “Take it away!”
    Kianto turned sideways frantically to strip it off. Won Ta Ki rolled him back and pressed him down forcefully.
    “I said, wait!”
    With his hands bound behind his back, Kianto had no means to withstand her. The creature had reached the glans and spread warm and flat. Its movements aroused the young man in spite of his disapproval. He cursed viciously, struggled with his legs and bent his back, but could not get rid of the worm. Won Ta Ki’s eyes grew larger as she watched Kianto squirm under her grasp and then, inevitably, reach the climax. She cocked her head and made a sound of contentment before she carefully claimed back the creature.
    Kianto was not sure if he should hope this little monster would die of his semen or live happily ever after. A shudder went through his body when he realized he had been fucked by an alien worm.
    “You have to agree that it is a very stimulating way of mating,” Won Ta Ki stated.
    Kianto was about to scream in her alien face, but all he said was, “I could have done without.”
    The Mawany pondered his words.
    “Your service shall be educating for you and for us. We still need

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