How To Make People Like You In 90 Seconds Or Less

Read How To Make People Like You In 90 Seconds Or Less for Free Online

Book: Read How To Make People Like You In 90 Seconds Or Less for Free Online
Authors: Nicholas Boothman
Tags: Self-Help, Non-Fiction, Business
again, then clench your fist at the
     height of the feelings and release. Relax your hand and feel the sensations pour through
     your body. Do this one more time, then relax your hand and the rest of your body. Come
     down in your own time and relax.
    Wait a minute or so, then test your trigger. Make a tight fist and notice the feelings
     rush into all your senses. Test it again after a couple of minutes. You are ready to use
     this Really Useful Attitude whenever you want.
    when we are dealing with fellow humans: useful and useless.
    How many times have you seen a newsmaker give a TV interview when she's frustrated? Or a
     salesperson serve you in a store when he clearly wishes he were somewhere else, a
     colleague who is sarcastic to the very person who can get the photocopying done faster if
     desired, or passengers being rude to the cab driver who is the only person with the means
     to get them to the church on time? These are all Really Useless Attitudes. As far as
     communication is concerned, they are virtually guaranteed to fail.
    A Really Useful Attitude is one of the major delivery vehicles of the likability factorand
     it works like a charm. Your posture, your movements and your expression will speak
     volumes about you before you even open your mouth.
    The sooner you know what you want and which is the most useful attitude to help you get
     it, the sooner your body language and your voice and your words will change to help you
     get it.
    The conclusion is obvious. People who know what they want tend to get it because they are
     focused and positive, and this is reflected outward and inward in their attitude. Take on
     a cheery attitude the next time you meet someone new and see how your whole being changes
     to the part. Your look will be cheery, you'll how to make people Like you sound cheery and you'll use cheery words. This is the full
     “communication package.” Other people make major adjustments in their responses to you
     based on the signals you transmit. The next chapter will take a detailed look at how these
     signals combine to present a positive image.
    away from the fact that image and appearance are important when meeting someone for the first time.
    Dressing well goes a long way toward making a positive impression as you begin to establish rapport, but how do you make people warm to you? And how do you project the likable parts of your own unique personality?

How to Make People Like You In 90 Seconds Or Less

Body Language
    our body language, which includes your posture,
    X your expressions and your gestures, accounts for more than one-half of what other people respond to and make assumptions about.
    how to make people Like you in 90 seconds or Less When people think of body language, they
     tend to think it means what happens from the neck down. But much of what we communicate to
     othersand what they make assumptions aboutcomes from the neck up. Facial gestures and nods
     and tilts of the head have a vocabulary that equals or exceeds that of the body from the
     neck down.
    The signals we send with our bodies are rich with meaning and global in their scope. Some
     of them are hardwired into us at birth; others are picked up from our society and culture.
     Everywhere on the planet, panic induces an uncontrollable shielding of the heart with the
     hands and/or a freezing of the limbs. A smile is a smile on all continents, while sadness
     is displayed through down-turned lips as often in New York as in Papua New Guinea. The
     clenched fists of determination and the open palms of truth convey the same message in
     Iceland as they do in Indonesia.
    And no matter where on earth you find yourself, mothers and fathers instinctively cradle
     their babies with the head against the left side of their body, close to the heart. The
     heart is at the heart of it. Facial expressions and body language are all obedient to
     the greater purpose of helping your body maintain the

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