can be stimulated with a tongue, a light probing finger, or heavy breathing. Some people can orgasm just from ear stimulation, so don’t ignore that body part. I sometimes refer to this feeling as an EARGASM .
Nibbled with the teeth, titillated with the tongue, the earlobe is a sensitivity center second to none and can be utilized in foreplay with far-reaching results. It is also more readily available in the winter when other, more obvious areas, are concealed beneath layers of thermal clothing.
It’s the same with the neck . Below the ears, in back where the hairline meets the neck . . . these are all erogenous zones. After all, where do you think the term “necking” originated?
Human hands have more than 72,000 nerve endings and having someone suck on your fingers as part of the warm-up can be titillating, if part of the exploration process and not a solo act. I once received a letter from a German reader who shared a glove fetish with his fiancée. This couple both wore leather gloves of different types while making love, but they had become so obsessed that they got to the stage of keeping the gloves on most of the time. In their own words, it was like a “superior, second skin.”
Unfortunately, the woman had developed a rash as a result, and they asked my advice. Obviously, I told them to leave the gloves off when they were not making love, but I also suggested that they experiment with some “way-out,” “kinky” sex, i.e., making love naked. As they were excited by the texture of the leather, I advised them to experiment with oils and creams on their skin (starting off with an ointment to cure the rash). Others wrote me about their ”hand fetishes,” but I do not classify the human hand as fetish material, simply because the hand is a sexual organ, and as such is used more than all the other sexual organs put together. From the grope on the behind or the grab at the tits, to the delicate caresses, the fingers touching the lips or running through the hair, to the final titillation of nipple or clit, sensation is both given and received through the fingertips.
Hands are sadly neglected as an erotic symbol, particularly in America, where people seem to be more into face-lifts and breast jobs. One can often recognize the true age of a person (male or female) by taking a quick look at their hands, because no matter how well their faces, tits, or peckers have been tightened up, the hand is an area the plastic surgeons have not yet conquered.
The use of nail polish and lipstick go back at least as far as ancient Egypt. Nefertiti appeared to have been a specialist in fondling her lovers’ genitals with varnish on her nails, or placing her succulent painted lips around their cocks. The makeup industry isn’t making a fortune for nothing out of the sale of perfumes, nail polish, eye makeup, and, last but not least, lipstick. These are the sexual accessories that women smear, spray, or pour over themselves to make them more appealing and attractive to men.
One day, while a group of friends and I were having dinner, we asked one another what appealed to us most about our lovers. One guy said, “I like her dewy bedroom eyes”; someone else was fascinated by his girlfriend’s big bottom and matching tits. My own lover told me that what fascinated him about me was my touch, in fact, the way I could excite him almost without touching him. Fortunately, I happen to be blessed with pretty hands—long, slender fingers and tiny wrists, which I suppose I had the good luck to inherit from my mother.
There is nothing unusual in adoring the beauty of a woman’s hands, whether she is fondling your cock, loading the dishwasher, or even knitting. Unfortunately, many men do not consider it important to look after their hands. We hear a lot about the delicate, sensitive fingers of a surgeon or a pianist, but never about the square, capable hands of a carpenter or a mechanic. Strangely enough, it is usually men with those
Silver Flame (Braddock Black)