Heart's Desire

Read Heart's Desire for Free Online

Book: Read Heart's Desire for Free Online
Authors: Jacquie D'Alessandro
encouragement, dear boy. Women aren’t mind readers , you know.”
    William noted that Callie turned her head swiftly toward her aunt and shot her a surprised look. Before he could decide what that was about, Aunt Olivia continued, “Well, I’m certain you’ll find the right young lady. One who shares your passions and is intrepid enough not to be put off by a bit of dust.” She spooned up the last bit of her tart. “Delicious. I shall make a point to tell Hayley she must serve tarts at your birthday party, Callie. I only hope we’re all not too tired to enjoy the festivities. After all, I’m certain the coronation will be most exhausting , and your birthday ball is the very next evening.”
    William’s gaze bounced between Callie and Aunt Olivia. “You’re attending Queen Victoria’s coronation?” he asked, and instantly had to suppress the urge to smack his own head at the stupidity of the question. Of course the duke and duchess and their family would be invited to the auspicious royal event. He swallowed the humorless sound that rose in his throat. With all the lighthearted banter this evening, he’d momentarily forgotten the massive social gulf that yawned between him and Callie, an abyss that could never be bridged.
    Nothing like a casual mention of attending Queen Victoria’s coronation to slap him back to reality.
    “We’re all attending,” Callie said. Was that a note of embarrassment he detected in her voice? Surely not. Surely she looked forward to the event.
    “Apparently my invitation went astray,” he deadpanned.
    Aunt Olivia chuckled. “It will be a most regal occasion to be sure, but all that pomp and circumstance — it does tire one so. Then the birthday festivities … ” she shot a beaming smile at Callie. “And soon after that, I suspect, will come an engagement announcement.”
    Silence fell. William noted Callie’s sudden stiffness. Twin flags of color bloomed on her cheeks , and she stared at her dessert plate, empty except for a few tiny crumbs. A sick foreboding gripped William. Warning bells jangled in his head , and icy dread slithered down his spine.
    “Engagement announcement?” he asked, wading into the silence that felt heavy and awkward. “Who is getting engaged?” Bloody hell, please don’t say Callie. Please don’t say —
    “Why , our own dear Callie,” Aunt Olivia chirped, her face wreathed in a bright smile. “Did she not tell you?”
    For several seconds , the entire room seemed to dim before William’s eyes, engulfing him in darkness. Then his heart gave a painful lurch, one that continued to throb even as the rest of his body turned numb.
    He blinked to clear his vision. His gaze fastened on Callie. The color staining her cheeks only moments ago had intensified to scarlet. She was staring at her aunt , who appeared not to notice.
    “No, she didn’t tell me,” he said, somehow forcing the words past the hard lump constricting his throat
    “Because I’m not engaged,” Callie said in a rush. “Nothing’s been decided.”
    “Oh, but it’s only a matter of time,” Aunt Olivia said with a negligent wave of her hand. “After all, you’re not getting any younger, my dear. ‘Tis high time you settled yourself and started a family.” She leaned toward William as if imparting a secret. “Callie , of course , has many admirers, but there’s one particular gentleman she favors. And ‘tis obvious to anyone who sees them together that he favors her as well.”
    “Aunt Olivia, please … ” Callie gave a nervous - sounding laugh. She turned to William. Their gazes met. For the space of one painful heartbeat , he allowed himself to look into her blue-green depths. Then he quickly averted his eyes so she wouldn’t see the raw pain he knew he couldn’t disguise.
    It required every ounce of fortitude he possessed to utter the words he’d selfishly hoped he’d never have to say to her. “My best wishes to you and the fortunate gentleman.”

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