Healing Pleasure
didn’t intend to take full advantage of it every chance he got, whether Brit was watching or not. He wanted her. He’d tried to convince himself differently last night, figuring he might have imagined the instant need he’d felt for her. The moment he’d wrapped his arms around her out in the yard, he’d known he hadn’t imagined a damn thing.
    “He’s lying to you.”
    She made a raspberry sound with her lips. “Duh! You already told me how he hurt his knee. I didn’t tell him I knew because I want him to open up to me on his own.”
    “Sugar, I know Brit better than anybody and the only thing he wanted to open up out there was your sexy legs.”
    Her cheeks turned redder than the town’s fire engine, but she didn’t back down. He liked that about her. Even when he rattled her or caught her off guard, she managed to keep her composure.
    “I’m not stupid or naive, Trey. I understood the hidden meaning in the byplay between the two of you. I also understood the hidden meaning behind the things he said to me before you walked out there.”
    “Oh?” Brit had made a move on her? Hot damn! “What did he say?”
    She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. The point is, I understood what he meant by it.”
    “You’re not getting it, sugar. It does matter. Him putting the moves on you is the first sign of the real Brit any of us have seen since the op.”
    She scoffed. “I wouldn’t really call what he said a move. At least not one that would entice any woman with an ounce of standards to spr—He was being a jerk. A polite one, mind you, but a jerk, nevertheless.”
    Trey didn’t think he’d ever heard a woman put the brakes on a statement so fast. Spread her legs. That’s what she’d been about to say before she’d obviously realized the context she’d started with. “Sugar, you’re full of standards. It doesn’t take a man two seconds in your company to see that.” He didn’t think her cheeks could get any redder, but they did. “It’s okay to admit you’re attracted to Brit, even if he was being a jerk.”
    “You hired me to counsel him, to talk to him, and see if I can help him cope with what happened on that op. There’s nothing between you and me except this scam you concocted that’s supposed to make it easier for me to get closer to Brit.”
    Trey tightened his arms around her again and slowly started backing her toward the nearby wall. “It started out that way, but it sure felt like more a few minutes ago in the yard.”
    “You surprised me out there. If I hadn’t reacted the way I did, your plan would’ve been blown before it even really got started.”
    She took an audible, shaky breath when her back reached the wall. Trey didn’t stop until his front was fully pressed against hers, until he had her caged between him and the wall with nowhere to go. He’d let her go, of course. If he sensed any indication in her whatsoever that she wanted to get away from him, he wouldn’t make a move to stop her. What he saw in her eyes as she stared up at him was an excited hope he would keep going, a plea that he wouldn’t stop.
    “You want to tell me again there’s nothing between you and me, Lena?”
    She swallowed visibly, and his attention locked on her throat. The vein pulsed in her neck, beckoning his tongue and teeth. “There’s nothing between you and me.”
    “You don’t sound so sure.” He moved his hands to her hips, dipped his head, and dragged the tip of his tongue over the line of her jaw. “Tell me you don’t want me. Tell me you aren’t ready to strip for me, to spread your beautiful legs for me, and wait for me tell you what to do next.”
    Her quick intake of breath told him all he needed to know. He’d taken a gamble going this far this soon. As he gazed into her eyes and saw the wicked desires burning hot and ready in their depths, he knew the jackpot would payoff far sooner than he’d dared to hope.
    “Trey, I can’t.”
    Indecision and something he

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