Healing Pleasure
single intelligible sentence.
    The corners of his lips twitched in a sinful smile as if he knew exactly what he’d done to her. “I see you’ve met Brit.”
    Unsure if she should slap him or be grateful for his help, she decided to go with the latter and follow his lead. She’d give him a good smack for the stunt he’d just pulled later. Her hand was still cupping his nape and she forced herself to let her arm drop to her side, though he didn’t make a move to release her. His arms stayed around her waist, holding her tightly against his front. Ecstasy, hot and intoxicating, pumped off him in waves and there was no way she could miss the impressive hard rod of his cock pressing against the small of her back.
    She looked at Brit and felt a wicked thrill move through her at the hard way he was watching her. “Brit was just telling me how he’d hurt his knee when he fell off the horse.” She felt Trey’s body tense against her back.
    “Fell off a horse, huh?”
    Brit’s attention snapped up, warning filling their depths as his gaze locked with Trey’s. “She doesn’t know how to ride. Why don’t you go teach her?”
    “That’s not a bad idea.” Trey actually sounded pleased. “Why don’t you come with us? You can stand back and watch if you’re afraid of getting hurt again.”
    It took every ounce of control Lena possessed not to gape at Trey. Maybe he didn’t understand the hidden meaning in Brit’s statement. Or maybe he did. They were men of Pleasure, after all. Then again, maybe she’d gotten it all wrong from the start.
    Son of a bitch, she’d known this would happen. She’d known from the moment she’d started closer to Brit, from the way her hormones had spiked from simply looking at him, that this would happen. She’d had the same instant bodily reaction to him that she’d had with Trey yesterday. She couldn’t think being this close to them. Worse, she’d stopped within inches of Brit and Trey was now pressed against her back, putting her between them. If Brit stepped off that treadmill in her direction, she’d become the main slice in a Navy SEAL sandwich.
    “I’ll pass.” Brit pushed the button on the treadmill that got it going again, his movements far stiffer than they’d been earlier as he started to walk on the moving belt beneath his feet. “I’m not done with my exercises.”
    Lena felt the muscles in Trey’s chest flex against her back as he shrugged.
    “Suit yourself. I’m going to take Lena inside and introduce her to May. We’ll be around if you change your mind.”
    * * * *
    Trey led Lena into Horace’s office and closed the door. He’d made a pass through the house before going out front and knew the place was empty save for May in the kitchen, but with so many people on the ranch, there was no telling when someone might decide to come in. Though he didn’t mind a crowd of strangers now and then, he’d rather not get caught by people he thought of as family.
    He stopped in the center of the office floor and used his hold on Lena’s hand to spin her around before yanking her against him. Her chin came up, surprise and temper flashing like twin bolts of lightning in her eyes as she stared at him.
    “What do you think you’re doing?”
    “I’m about to kiss you again. I didn’t get a good enough taste of you outside.”
    “You are not going to kiss me again. What you’re going to do is let go of me.”
    She flattened her hands on his chest and pushed, but the lack of force left him wondering if she was really trying to push him away.
    “Is that really what you want, sugar? It damn sure didn’t feel that way out in the yard.” It didn’t feel that way now either. He’d loosened his hold on her, giving her enough room to move just in case she had been trying to push him away. She stayed right where she was.
    “I’m supposed to be pretending to be your girlfriend in front of him. Wasn’t that the plan?”
    It was, but that didn’t mean he

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