Healing Pleasure
her presence.
    “I’m Lena Conley.” She extended her hand and waited for him to look at her again before she gave him what she hoped was a friendly smile.
    His gaze dropped to her hand before lifting to her eyes. He hesitated, as if trying to decide whether to give her the brushoff or be polite, and finally closed his large hand around hers. “Brit Matthews.”
    Awareness, swift and panty-wetting, zinged through her system at the contact. She tried to ignore the embers of white-hot need that rained through her and focus on the job she’d come here to do, on the role Trey wanted her to play in order to complete the mission he’d recruited her for.
    She tipped her head back further to look at the sky. “It’s a beautiful day out here. I can see why you’re exercising outside.”
    “It’s not by choice,” he grumbled and let go of her hand.
    Because her palm burned to touch more of him, she curled her fingers into a fist at her side. “How did you hurt your knee?”
    “Horse got spooked. I fell off and landed on it.”
    The lie seemed to roll from his lips so easily she wondered how often he’d used it before. She winced as if she believed him. “Ouch. That sucks. I’ve never been on a horse.”
    His gaze dropped to her legs and her pulse spiked. She actually felt the look on the bare flesh of her legs. He dragged his attention back to her face and she swore his eyes were a full two shades darker. “You’re short, but with the right stallion between your legs, I’m betting you’d ride you just fine.” His eyes sparked with a challenge that turned his statement into an innuendo. “I’m surprised Trey hasn’t taught a pretty thing like you how ride already.”
    No, he definitely wasn’t talking about riding a horse. Heat filled her cheeks and she rushed to distract herself from the image of straddling his waist or Trey’s. “Are you a Navy SEAL, too?”
    He shot a pointed look at his knee and the sorrow that moved through is handsome face before he quickly masked it tore at her heart. “I was.”
    Lena planted her hands on her hips. “ Was ? What kind of SEAL talks like that?” The injured kind. The kind with invisible wounds he doesn’t know how to heal. “Don’t you frogmen have a saying, once a SEAL, always a SEAL, or something like that?”
    “As a matter of fact, we have a saying exactly like that.”
    Trey’s words were the only warning Lena got that he’d joined them before his strong arms wound around her and pulled her back against the hard wall of his body. Instinctively, she tipped her head back and turned it to look at him. She saw his intention in his eyes a nanosecond before his mouth came down on hers.
    When she’d fantasized about him kissing her—and she’d done so repeatedly since he’d walked out of the diner yesterday—she’d never imagined he would take it slow. She’d expected to be devoured and possessed, not tenderly finessed into parting her lips for him. She did so on a sigh and felt herself melt in his embrace as his tongue swept into her mouth, tangled with hers, and controlled the kiss in an easy dance that stole her sanity.
    Yeah, going suddenly insane was the only explanation for the way her hand lifted and reached behind his head to cup his nape as he slanted his mouth to take the kiss deeper. It was the only explanation for way her nipples beaded to hardened points, pulsing with the need to feel his hands and mouth on them. It was the only explanation for the flame that ignited in her pussy, coaxing a flow of juices from her cunt that she wondered didn’t start to drip from beneath her skirt.
    He eased back, his breath fanning her lips when he spoke and sending desire raining through her system. “I’m glad you came out today, sugar.”
    Lena gulped, lost in the dark promises and challenges that mixed a heady concoction in his eyes. “I…” She didn’t know what to say. He’d caught her off guard to the point that she couldn’t manage to gather a

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