
Read Glow for Free Online

Book: Read Glow for Free Online
Authors: Anya Monroe
    “It’s okay,” Lucy says softly. “You were just doing your best. We all are. I think we can agree on that.” The softness in her voice catches me off guard. I thought her heart was leaning towards mine, but now I don’t know. Looking at them, their lights filling the room, I feel foolish for even considering my ability to fit into her world. Her life is bigger than mine. I wonder what her fate line says.
    “Can we go back to something more important? Please?” Colton says, sheepishly rooting around his bag on the floor. “Look what I have. Just borrowed, really. From a good old friend of mine. And by good, I mean terrible. And by friend, I mean ass.” Colton lifts out a bottle filled with amber liquid. I smile, despite myself. Thank God Colton is here. He unscrews the cap and takes a swig. The room laughs. I bet Lukas has never seen moonshine before. Colton leans over and passes my brother the bottle. “You’ve had one hell of a week, man.”
    The room hoots as he takes a drink, then shakes his head in disgust.
    “Only one word to describe that.” Lukas says, passing the bottle to me. “Burn.”
    “Okay, now we can carry on. Junie, back to the peculiar light of Lucy’s, if you will,” Colton says, leading the group. He’s a good leader, funny and unpretentious, yet still aware of everyone in the room.
    “Right. Okay. The index says color refers to auras….” Junie flips the pages. “Here it is, ‘An aura is an energy field which surrounds living beings. An aura is most often visible only to those born with the skill to see it, or those who have developed the ability.’
    “Well, we can all see Lucy and Lukas’s.”
    “Because they are, I mean, at least according to Perfection, ‘super-special-humans , ’ ” Duke says laughing as he takes another swig.
    Junie speculates, “I guess we each have an aura, but sometimes they are easier to see in some people than others … there are all kinds of aura colors … and they each seem to mean something different. But green. Let’s see. Here it is,” she says. “ When green is seen in the aura, this color represents growth and balance, and most of all something that leads to change.  A healer, also a love-centered person.”
    I look at Lucy as she absorbs the words. She takes in a sharp breath and her eyes fill fast with tears. I want to take her hands in mine. I want to wipe away her tears.
    But Lucy doesn’t need me, not right now. She’s stronger than she knows. All she needs a chance to find her strength.
    Then she can decide what she wants.

    Of course she is.
    A healer.
    Lucy has healed me.
    “Do you think that’s true? Or is it just nonsense?” Lucy asks the room.
    “Nonsense or not, you are a healer, you are this growing, changing person. You are a trailblazer of change,” Colton says, more serious than he has been since I’ve met him.
    “You think so, huh?” Lucy asks, doubt in her voice.
    “I know so,” I say. Because I do. Standing, I address her more emphatically, “That’s why you have to come back to The Light with me, Lucy. I’ve known it for a while now. Integrity has shown me the way. You and I, together, are going to lead the charge. Together we are going to help The Light be what it once was.”
    “No way.” Lucy shakes her head and laughs, as if it’s not something she’d even consider. “That’s seriously crazy. I’m not going back there.”
    “We have to. It’s fate, it’s our destiny.” When she doesn’t say anything, I get desperate. “Hey, Junie, what does Lucy’s palm mean?”
    Junie grabs Lucy’s hand, “Let me see…well you have a bunch of breaks and changes of directions which means....” She looks down at the book in her lap and reads out loud, “You are prone to many changes in your life from external forces.”
    “That’s the answer you wanted, Lukas,” Lucy says, then giving a sharp laugh. “If I listen to what this book says, and what you say, I’m

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