
Read Glow for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Glow for Free Online
Authors: Anya Monroe
not in control of anything. Exactly what everyone seems to want for me, for my life.”
    “But it can be a good thing, Lucy. We can make the world a better place. I know you believe in The Light. You believed before I did.” I walk over to her and take her hand, needing her to remember how it felt when we were on the ledge, about to conquer the world. “You want freedom? Then embrace your potential. Our potential.” As our hands clasp , our light covers the room, filling every crevice in the study. Filling me up in ways nothing else ever has. Lucy and I, together, make anything seem possible.
    “Hey, cut it out you two,” Basil says. “You have to stop doing that. I swear, you’re gonna blind me!”
    “Wait, seriously though, listen to this.” Junie starts reading again, “ The rarest of all auras is golden white. Golden auras signify the color of enlightenment and divine. Gold represents an inspired individual with spiritual energy, their power activated and awakened.”
    My heart races, everything I have ever wondered, questioned, not fully believed -- it is true. The sacred texts are true. 
    I am the prophet of The Light.
    “Are you making that up?” Lucy asks, letting go of my hand and stepping away, looking at me with new eyes, full of wonder. The eyes she had when she looked at me in the Haven. I know she believes.
    “I swear, look.” Basil took the book from Junie’s hands. The room is creepily quiet, as though the thing we were thinking is true, and now we don’t know how to deal with the facts. If I’m the prophet that means we’re all going back to The Light. That means we all believe . We can’t not believe. 
    “Lukas, listen to this,” Basil says.
    “I thought you couldn’t read, Basil? You couldn’t at The Light,” Lucy’s voice is sharp and feels out of context. “What else did you hide?
    “I can read, actually. I just pretended so that my little sister didn’t go down some creepy hallway for some pervert to take advantage of her. Okay? Chill out, Lucy. No one is going to make you go anywhere you don’t want, I promise.” Basil lets out a sigh, her eyes pleading with Lucy to back down. To my surprise, Lucy does. She nods her head and bites her lip, but stays quiet.
    Basil’s eyes turn back to the page. “This part is good, listen, okay? Dark brownish yellow indicates a person who is straining to the point of feeling fatigued or stressed.’ That’s what happened to you in the car, Lukas. Remember on our way here, when Perfection was getting all crazy? Your light changed. It makes sense.” She looks around the room, as if deciding whether or not she should say anything else, “I think it’s true. I mean, I don’t know what The Light actually believes, but I believe in you, Lukas. I believe you are connected to the divine.”
    “You can’t be serious?” Charlie blurts out. “Basil, you were just making so much sense when you were talking to Perfection. But this? This is crazy. Lukas isn’t a god. We were born from the same woman. We are just people.” He shakes his head in disbelief.
    “But it makes sense doesn’t it, Charlie?” Colton asks.
    “So you’re all on board with this?” He looks around the room incredulously. I wish my brother wanted to support me, see me. I am just a person. I didn’t choose this. But this is me. This is the reason I have devoted my life to the people at The Light.
    It was destiny.
    They are my people.
    “I saw Lucy heal Timid on our way to the Headquarters. It was like crazy voodoo magic, except she’s no witch. And think about the power Lukas has to energize entire islands of people. That isn’t human. It’s super human,” Junie says.
    I look at Lucy, wanting her to affirm me, affirm us . But she says nothing; instead she steps further away, looking smaller somehow, as though these revelations engulf her.
    “Lucy,” I start. But it’s too late. She’s already turned away and walked slowly out of the compound.

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