Get Bunny Love
smile, and box of surprises. Definitely a fresh perspective. “Has she shared her nickname with you?”
    Nate’s dark brows met in a puzzled peak. “Nickname?”
    “Apparently they call her Bunny.”
    “Bunny?” Nate took a step backward. “Well, that’s...very country club.” He nodded confidently. “ Very country club.”
    Bert watched Nate step into the hall, headed straight toward Bunny Love’s cubicle. He rubbed his chin, grinning. Watching these two work together would be more entertaining than ringside seats for the World Wrestling Federation.
    He propped one elbow on the doorjamb, hung his head and laughed. He had known Nate for most of his life. Over the years, his friend had become so determined to live up to McNulty family expectations he’d grown half dead.
    Bert had known Bunny for five minutes, yet he was fairly certain of one thing. If anyone could bring Nate McNulty back to life, it just might be Bunny Love.
    Nate paused for a moment, taking in the sight of Beatrice Love. The woman sat slumped in her chair talking silently to a small red object in the palm of her hand. That couldn’t be good.
    Anxiety flickered in his chest and he momentarily wondered if his rash hiring of Miss Love had been a mistake. He stepped into the cubicle, clearing his throat.
    Beatrice’s head snapped in his direction. She tossed whatever she’d been holding beneath her desk, and sprang to her feet.
    “Mr. McNulty.” She closed the space between them, offering her hand. “Good morning, sir. Pleasure to see you again.”
    Her stunning presence affected Nate more than it had the previous afternoon. A classic pale purple suit accentuated her slight, yet curvy, figure. A double row of buttons gleamed alluringly down the front of the jacket. She’d styled her reddish hair smooth today, tucking the strands neatly behind her ears. All she needed was a pair of tortoise-shell reading glasses to complete the whole sexy librarian look.
    He gave her hand a quick shake, drinking in the bright blue depths of her eyes. Something remarkable exists there , he thought suddenly. Energy. Vitality. Life . A pool of warmth spread through his midsection, forcing him to inhale a deep, steadying breath.
    Nate shook himself from the trance. “Yes, Good morning.”
    A bright red blush fired in her cheeks. “I see Mr. Parks shared my nickname with you.”
    “I apologize. That was a slip of the tongue on my part, and Bert shouldn’t have told me.”
    A grin spread across her delicate features, tiny laugh lines crinkling the corners of her brilliant eyes. “It’s fine.” Her nose wrinkled as she spoke. “I prefer it to Beatrice, actually.”
    Nate shook his head. “It won’t happen again.” He jerked his thumb toward the hall. “Our client is waiting. This is a major account, so I’ll expect you to present yourself as an expert. Understood?”
    “Absolutely.” Beatrice turned back to her desk. “Let me grab my pad.”
    Nate watched as she knelt beside her chair, pulling a box from beneath the desk and plucking a leather notebook from its contents.
    “What do you have there?”
    She quickly pushed the box out of sight, looking up at him. Her turquoise gaze locked onto his. Nate’s stomach caught and twisted. So alive , he thought. So incredibly alive .
    “This?” Beatrice shook her head, pulling herself upright. “Just some...knickknacks I won’t be needing.”
    “Yes.” She stepped to his side. “They’re nothing really. I had them in my office at home and thought they’d liven things up here.” A furrow formed between her brows. “Mr. Parks pointed out my mistake. They’ll be gone tonight.”
    “Very well,” he said. “Ready to meet our client?”
    Beatrice’s eyes grew wide. “Yes, sir.”
    “Brace yourself,” Nate mumbled as he led the way down the hall.
    “Pardon me, Mr. McNulty?”
    He could hear Beatrice scrambling to match his long strides.

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