
Read Flawless for Free Online

Book: Read Flawless for Free Online
Authors: Lara Chapman
jerk for lying to him. I mean, he’s almost a complete stranger, for crying out loud.
    â€œI know you’re not telling me the truth,” he says as we reach my locker. “But I’ll drop it.”
    I spin the lock and wrestle the old locker door open. Tossing my books inside, I step back so he can do the same. “Thank you.”
    â€œBut if you need to talk about something, I’m a really good listener.” His eyes are intense, as if the fate of the world rests on his ability to help me. He’s freaking adorable.
    â€œOkay,” I say. “But, really, it’s nothing. I’m just tired.”
    He slams the locker door closed, then pulls me into the flow of hallway traffic by my hand. Not to get all melodramatic, because that’s definitely Kristen’s department, but it’s like our hands are a perfect match. There’s nothing awkward about the firm grasp he has on me, and I like it. I really, really like it.
    When we clear the mass of bodies rushing to make it to the cafeteria, Rock drops my hand, but not before Kristen sees Rock dragging me behind him. Her eyes are fixed on his hand, narrowed into deadly slits, until she realizes I’m the one with him. The familiar dimples crease her cheeks when she sees me.
    â€œHey,” Rock says casually. “Been waiting long?”
    Kristen shakes her head, turning her attention back to Rock. “Just got here. Y’all ready to eat?”
    â€œStarved,” Rock says, shooting Kristen a quick smile and a wink.
    â€œLearn anything exciting in Jacobi’s class today?” she asks, sliding back into sex-kitten mode. I have to force my eyes not to roll.
    Rock shrugs with a grin. “We just talked a lot about love.”
    â€œOh yeah? Like what?” Kristen asks, leading the way into the cafeteria.
    â€œWhat defines love, which is really an interesting question, because it’s different for everyone. I’ve never really thought about it before. Jacobi did his best to stump Sarah, but she had an awesome answer.”
    â€œWhatever,” I say, blowing off the compliment.
    â€œWhat’d you say?” Kristen asks, studying my face and trying to read my thoughts. She’s always been way too good at that, and I’m hoping she can’t read what I’m feeling about Rock. Because if she can, I’m going to need blasters and a force field to stay alive.
    â€œI don’t remember,” I answer truthfully. The whole embarrassing event was a blur in my very crowded and confused mind.
    â€œShe said it was caring about someone so much you can’t imagine life without them.” Rock smiles at me and then looks back at Kristen. “Pretty good, huh?”
    â€œVery,” she says. “She’s always had a way with words.”
    Rock looks back at me. “You also said it was selfless, honest, and loyal.”
    I’m so surprised he remembers what I said that I can’t even muster a response. He was totally listening to me in class and I’m more than just a little flattered.
    â€œNice,” Kristen says. “And what did you say, Rock?”
    He shakes his head. “He didn’t call on me, thank God. I’m not sure what I would have said. That’s a tough question.”
    â€œTotally,” Kristen agrees. “I’d hate to be in that class. Ugh.”
    â€œIt’s not all bad. Jacobi’s pretty cool.” Rock’s defense of Jacobi makes me like him even more and I curse the rotten fate that put me in this situation. Rock grabs a sandwich plate and waits for me before following Kristen to the table.
    When Kristen stops at a table in the back corner, Rock waits for us to sit. The guy’s got some killer manners. My mom would definitely approve. I’m a little disappointed he’s sitting next to Kristen until I remember I’m supposed to be helping her snag him—or at least thinking about it. It’s enough

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