FIT: #1 in the Fit Trilogy
weak-kneed, breathless dolt, and then he claimed that was her reward for showing up. What would he do when she ran her first mile or completed her first real sit-up? Top off, down the pants, anal? Would he marry her and give her a muscular baby when she reached her goal weight?
    Violet forgot herself and snorted, covering the hideous noise with her clenched fist as the thought crossed her mind.
    “What’s so funny?” Faye asked.
    “Nothing. Was he late for work?” She’d sort of been listening.
    Faye chuckled. “No. He called in to his first meeting and then he left. I’m all for morning sex, but he needs to calm down with the acrobatics. He almost broke both our necks.”
    “Yes, please tell him to be careful.”
    They rounded the corner into the frozen food section. Violet hung by the cart while Faye walked back and forth in front of the ice cream.
    Violet had been really good the last two days. She wrote down everything she ate. It was a lot, but she made sure to record every morsel. In the mornings, she woke up at six and walked around her neighborhood. She didn’t clock the distance, but she logged the time. Sixty minutes round trip. Additional movement wasn’t a part of her assignment, but if she was going to commit to this weight loss, she might as well keep up with the exercise portion in between her meetings with Grant. She wasn’t touching another burpee as long as she lived. Walking, though, she could do.
    Faye opened the freezer door and analyzed the arrangement of Ben and Jerry’s. “You know what I want?” she said, over the hum from the industrial motors. She turned to Violet. “YogurtTown.”
    Violet groaned. “Why’d you have to say that? You know I love YogurtTown.” The franchise that featured an array of self-serve flavors and double the choices in toppings was one of Violet’s many weaknesses. It was fattening and overpriced, and Violet went there every chance she got.
    “Come on. Let’s finish up here and then we’ll go to YogurtTown. My treat.”
    Violet winced dramatically. “I don’t know.”
    “Come on. We can head back to Pinks tomorrow. You’ll sweat it off in five minutes.” Faye was kidding, but a slice of anger heated Violet’s face. That experience at Pinks had been one of the lowest moments in her adult life and Faye had been there to witness it. Violet couldn’t find the idea of reliving that humiliation for the sake of some frozen yogurt funny. She hadn’t mentioned Grant to Faye yet. She wasn’t in the mood to talk too much to anyone about her weight loss attempts, but it was time to let Faye know.
    “I’m actually working with a new private trainer now. We have our second session tomorrow.”
    Faye’s genuine surprise didn’t help the situation. “Oh! How’d this come about?”
    “Margaret, your friend over at Pinks, recommended him to me. That’s what she wanted to talk to me about.”
    “That’s cool. Do you like him?”
    I like the way he kisses . “Yeah. He’s great.”
    “Well, if you’re already back in the workout game, some YogurtTown won’t kill you. Come on. Let’s do it.”
    The NO was on the tip of Violet’s lips. Faye kept on with her rationalizations. “You don’t have to eat all the yogurt. Just get a little.”
    “Clearly we’ve just met.” Violet patted her stomach. “I am all yogurt.”
    Thursday morning, Grant beat Violet to the gym. He woke up a bit earlier, took Max for his real walk then jogged the half mile between his condo and Melrose Fitness. He was eager to see her. He couldn’t or wouldn’t put it into words, but he knew that feeling; the charge in his chest that sometimes migrated to his stomach when he was starting to feel something for a woman. Though he’d managed to completely fuck up his initial proposal, he’d been right on the money about Violet and her capacity to submit.
    He started slowly, watching her closely for signs of fear or reluctance, but when he’d given her the simple order to

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