Fallen Angel

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Book: Read Fallen Angel for Free Online
Authors: Patricia Puddle
Even if
Devlin turned up as an angel, he wouldn’t forgive him, not unless
he apologised for his bad behaviour when Eloise was
    Nathaniel looked up
longingly at the clear morning sky. He was so tempted to go on a
joy flight, but instead he flew back to the house and landed softly
on the roof. As he gazed across at the river, it shimmered through
the gaps in the trees that grew along the riverbank. He was pleased
it was a sunny day as he needed something to cheer him up. Not
being able to go on night flights for so many years had made him
extremely restless—though guiding Eloise now that she was a young
woman certainly kept him busy, especially when she stayed out later
than her deadline. She was stubborn and sometimes took no notice of
his psychic warnings, which forced him to step in and help when she
came across dangerous situations—and there’d certainly been plenty
of them over the years.
    Spotting some little
black calves being born in the neighbouring property, his mood
brightened. Some were already on their feet and pop-corning around
the cows that were grazing in the fields. He knew he was lucky to
be in such beautiful surroundings and he began to feel guilty for
grumbling about not being able to go on night flights anymore. At
least he wasn’t stuck in some dismal desolate place like he had
been many times in the past. Besides, Eloise was such a sweet and
endearing girl, he knew he should appreciate having her as a ward
instead of feeling sorry for himself.
    He swooped back into the
house to make sure no one had sneaked in while he was flying around
the woods. It was a Saturday and Eloise wasn’t up yet, but Madeline
was in the laundry doing the washing. With Matthew away on a work
trip again, at least it was peaceful and quiet. Whenever he was
home, he’d either be hammering something in his workshop or mowing
the lawns.
    After checking Eloise was
in her room, Nathaniel wandered over to the window and peered out.
All he could see was animals and birds, but when a movement at the
edge of the forest caught his eye, he shot outside. With his hand
on his sword, he looked towards the trees, then he saw what he
dreaded, but also what he missed.
    Devlin was leaning against a tree and
grinning at him.
    Nathaniel reached for the
crucifix around his neck and crossed himself, then he flew to the
bottom of the garden to stop him from entering the
    Flashing his pearly
whites, Devlin strode towards him. “What’s the matter, Nathaniel?
Did you think I’d given up?”
    Nathaniel stretched to
his full height. “Oh, I knew you’d be back. In fact I expected you
    Devlin raise a brow. “Ah,
so you missed me, then?”
    “ Not
particularly.” Nathaniel glanced at Devlin’s wings, relieved he
hadn’t lost them, then before he could stop him, he flew over the
fence and stood right next to him.
    Pretending to punch
Nathaniel in the belly, he laughed. “Oh, you missed me all right,
Nate. Your face is a dead giveaway.”
    “ In your
dreams.” Nathaniel looked him up and down. Devlin was even more
flamboyant than ever. His hair was slicked back and he was dressed
in tight-fitting black trousers and a black silk shirt. He
obviously hadn’t been to rehab. He looked more like a movie star
than an angel.
    Opening his arms, Devlin
gazed down at his clothes. “ What , you don’t like my
    “ Oh, it’s a
great outfit—for a human.” Nathaniel smirked. He wanted nothing
more than to pull Devlin into a bear hug and wrestle him
good-humouredly to the ground, but he wasn’t about to encourage him
to hang around. He was pretty sure he was only after one thing, and
it wasn’t for friendship.
    Devlin glanced at the
house, then back at Nathaniel. “Is Eloise indoors?”
    “ You’re
unbelievable, Devlin. You haven’t asked about her for eighteen
years, so why now? Anyway, you should be guarding your own wards,
not spying on mine.”
    “ Your
ward? ” Devlin stroked his chin. “Now

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