Fallen Angel

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Book: Read Fallen Angel for Free Online
Authors: Patricia Puddle
musings, Nathaniel felt lonelier than ever. Ramiel had said there
was a shortage of guardians because too many angels had fallen.
Nathaniel could only hope that Devlin wasn’t one of them. There was
nothing he wanted more than to have his comrade back by his side,
but he wasn’t sure that would ever be possible now. Bowing his
head, he prayed that Devlin had been to rehab and was recovering
from his addictions, then as he walked away from the window, he
flicked his wings with frustration. Night flying was so
exhilarating, especially having Devlin with him, but oh, how he’d
taken it for granted. Now he understood what humans meant when they
said, ‘You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone’.
    A noise outside the
nursery soon had him on full alert and he wandered over to the
window and peeked out. He guessed it was just a kangaroo, but
decided to go and check. After making sure Eloise was still asleep,
he walked out the back door. As he flew around the house, he peered
in hidden places to make sure Devlin wasn’t lurking about. There
was no sign of anyone, but just to be sure, he zipped into the
nearby woods and looked around. Seeing nothing suspicious, he shot
back to the house. He figured if Devlin hadn’t gone to rehab by
now, he’d be too busy researching fallen angels and ogling pretty
girls to be bothered trying to get Eloise back.
    As he checked on her cot
again, he realised he had no right to criticize Devlin, not after
the way he’d been moping about and feeling sorry for himself. That
sort of behaviour certainly wasn’t helping Eloise. He sighed. He’d
just have to find something else to concentrate on in the middle of
the night and guard the child like he was assigned to. Bowing his
head, he prayed to get his patience back.



Chapter Four
    Just after Eloise turned
eighteen, Nathaniel wandered outside for his usual dawn ritual of
checking around the house and observing wildlife. He’d come to
believe that some of the native animals could actually see him;
either that or he was losing his mind. As he watched a mob of
kangaroos, grazing on the rich green grass, a tiny joey hopped out
of its mother’s pouch and bounced around the flower beds. Its ears
twitched and it stared up at him, then it bolted back to its
mother. Nathaniel smiled. At least he had the animals to keep him
company. Guiding Eloise for eighteen years with no angels to talk
to was taking its toll on his psyche and he was beginning to think
no one knew he existed.
    As the sun began to rise
above the horizon, Butcher Birds, and magpies swooped down from
their branches to hunt for food. A baby bandicoot scurried across
the lawn and disappeared under a dense grevillea bush. Nathaniel
smiled. He was happy to see the tiny night-critter escape the birds
of prey. Now it could be with its mother and sleep in a nest of
leaves until dusk.
    With so many nocturnal
animals coming from the forest to forage around the house, they had
to expect strange noises in the middle of the night, but Nathaniel
didn’t mind. It kept him alert in case Devlin turned up. Though he
hadn’t seen him for eighteen years, he still didn’t trust him. Then
a horrible thought crossed his mind. What if Devlin had weakened
and sold his soul to Lucifer? If he had lost his wings and
been banished to Earth, he’d most likely come looking for Eloise,
especially now she’d grown into a beautiful young woman.
    Deciding to do a thorough
security check in case Devlin was lurking nearby, Nathaniel raised
his arms above his head and shot up to the sky. Instantly relaxing
at the thrill of flying, he circled the area, spreading his wings
and catching the wind beneath them as he glided over the rooftops
and surrounding forest. He couldn’t see anything suspicious, but he
knew if he ever did see Devlin without his wings, he’d crush him
with his bare hands. No way was he letting him anywhere near
Eloise, especially if he’d become one of Lucifer’s demons.

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