His Reluctant Lady

Read His Reluctant Lady for Free Online

Book: Read His Reluctant Lady for Free Online
Authors: Ruth Ann Nordin
enhances the good traits he was born
    “ Since you chose to
compliment me, I’ll ignore the smug look on your face,” she
    Perry grasped his father’s hands, and
Nate let out a cheer. “That’s my son!” He lifted their son onto his
lap and turned to her. “How could you think I’m being smug? Is it
wrong for a father to appreciate his child?”
    “ It’s the way you appreciate
him. You gave yourself credit for the way he turned out.” Before he
could add anything, she said, “And yes, I’m aware you gave me
credit, too.” She kissed his cheek before she ruffled Perry’s dark
    “ To be fair, he wouldn’t be
here if it weren’t for you,” he teased, a twinkle in his eye. “Who
was that missive from? Your sister?” He nodded toward the
    “ Oh, umm…” She hated lying
to him, but if he knew the truth, he’d forbid her to answer it. He
might even go so far as to get his friend Perry Ambrose involved.
But Mister Robinson had helped her out when she needed it. The
least she could do was hear him out. Clearing her throat, she
offered what she hoped was a convincing smile. “It was from a
friend. She wants to go to the Western Exchange. She doesn’t know
if she’ll buy anything. Mostly, she wants to look around and see if
something catches her fancy.”
    “ Is this
    She hesitated to say yes, but it
wouldn’t be a complete lie.
    Perry grabbed Nate’s hair and laughed
when Nate winced.
    Relieved her son had just given her an
excuse to change topics, she chuckled and lifted him from Nate’s
arms. “I think it’s time for him to take a nap.” She stood up and
bounced him in her arms. “Why don’t you go to White’s and I’ll take
a trip to the Western Exchange?”
    “ I suppose it is long
overdue that I play chess with Perry.” He rose from the settee and
kissed her. “I just hope I manage to go easy on him. I’d hate for
him to lose his confidence.”
    “ To hear him talk, you’d
swear he was better at chess than you.”
    He let out a playful snort. “The poor
man honestly believes it.”
    “ I’ll see you when you
return, my lord.”
    She gave him another kiss and left the
room, eager to get dressed so she could leave the house. While her
lady’s maid brushed her hair, she recalled the instructions in
Mister Robinson’s letter. He had asked her to go to Catherine’s
house to meet him. She knew that he was friends with Catherine’s
husband. All things considered, that was the safest place to meet
without causing undue attention. But what did he want to see her
    Once her lady’s maid was done helping
her get ready, she had the footman get the carriage. By the time
she arrived at Catherine’s townhouse, her curiosity was getting the
best of her. As soon as the footman opened the door, she
practically ran to the front door. Before she made a fool of
herself and pounded on the door, she took a deep breath and calmed
down enough so she was able to manage a few polite taps.
    Once she was invited into the house,
the footman led her to the drawing room. To her surprise, Ethan and
Mister Robinson were waiting for her. She knew Mister Robinson
would be waiting for her, but she had no idea Catherine’s husband
would be there too. She thought Catherine might be there since
Mister Robinson asked her to meet him here. Pushing aside her
confusion, she stepped into the room and waited for the footman to
    “ Care for some tea and
biscuits, my lady?” Ethan asked, motioning to the chair.
    She sat down and accepted the cup.
“Thank you.” She glanced at Mister Robinson who sat across from her
in another chair. Looking back at Ethan, she asked, “How is
    “ She’s doing well,” Ethan
replied. “She’s resting upstairs. She’s been tired ever since she
found out she’s expecting a child. She takes a nap this time of day
    “ I suppose my being here at
this time is on purpose?” Claire guessed.
    “ I thought it

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