Cut and Run 4 - Divide and Conquer

Read Cut and Run 4 - Divide and Conquer for Free Online

Book: Read Cut and Run 4 - Divide and Conquer for Free Online
Authors: Abigail Madeleine u Roux Urban
how close you are to not getting
    fucked, do you?” Ty asked darkly. Zane shut his mouth and watched
    Ty closely for clues. He didn‟t think he‟d pushed too much, but he
    Divide & Conquer | 25

    could have miscalculated. “That‟s what I thought,” Ty growled before
    roughly kissing Zane again, forcing him flat on the floor, actually
    sliding him on the hardwood with the force and barely giving him the
    chance to breathe as he practically devoured him.
    Something inside Zane gave a pitifully grateful cry of thanks as
    he collapsed under Ty‟s weight, not even caring that his shoulders and
    skull hit the floor hard. He was dizzy already, and all his nerve endings
    sparked whenever Ty touched him.
    Zane craved this. He needed it, like he needed air.
    His reaction only spurred Ty on. Rough hands roamed over
    Zane‟s body. Hips ground down against him. Teeth scraped against
    Zane‟s lips and tongue and cheek and chin and neck. The day‟s worth
    of stubble on Ty‟s face was almost painful against Zane‟s skin, but Ty
    so rarely did this to him that Zane wasn‟t about to object. He wanted to
    be overwhelmed; it was a hell of a ride when Ty got it in his head to
    really drive them to another level.
    Zane shuddered as it occurred to him that it really didn‟t seem
    like just sex anymore. It was more , more passionate, more emotional,
    more energizing, more draining… at that moment, he wasn‟t sure it had
    ever been just sex between them. He knew Ty loved him, and
    sometimes he could feel how badly Ty wanted him. Zane moaned and
    clutched at Ty. “Please,” he breathed.
    Ty pushed away from him and quickly yanked his T-shirt over his
    head, revealing the impressive display of muscles Zane had become so
    familiar with. He tossed the shirt aside as he laid himself back out over
    Zane and kissed him hungrily, their bare skin catching and pulling as
    Ty moved.
    Zane wrapped his arms around Ty, dragging his fingers down
    along his spine before spreading his hands and pressing them flat to
    slide them into the back of Ty‟s sweatpants. Ty‟s hand found its way
    into Zane‟s hair, one of Ty‟s favorite handles when he wanted Zane to
    stay where he put him. His tongue lapped at Zane‟s, the kiss forceful
    and overpowering as Zane felt Ty‟s muscles tense and flex against him.
    Feeling that remarkable, unbridled power against his body sent another
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    shudder of need through him, and he felt almost smothered by the heat
    of it.
    It was absolute heaven.
    “I meant to at least get us up the stairs,” Ty gasped with what was
    probably supposed to be sincerity as he used one hand to push at the
    sweatpants he wore.
    “Fuck me here,” Zane begged hoarsely.
    Ty‟s sigh came out harsh. He was obviously arrested by the idea
    for a brief moment because he stopped moving. Then he bit at Zane‟s
    lower lip, licking at it and delving into another breathless kiss. Zane
    could feel how hard Ty was as he rocked their hips together, could feel
    the arousal and need coursing through Ty‟s tense body, like every
    ounce of him was coiled.
    Zane wanted to feel that inside him so badly he could barely stay
    still. It was like this more and more often, feeling like he just
    couldn‟t breathe without Ty.
    Ty yanked his head away suddenly, as if he‟d just heard Zane‟s
    thoughts and was offended by them. “Get up,” he practically snarled.
    Zane gasped for breath and reached out for help. Ty was pushing
    himself up almost immediately, and he reached down to grip Zane‟s
    forearm and haul him to his feet. He pulled Zane to him and kissed him
    brutally as he used one hand to push Zane‟s pants down over his hips.
    Zane moaned happily against Ty‟s mouth as he toed out of his shoes
    and kicked his pants off while sliding a hand up to cup Ty‟s face to
    encourage him. He had the distant thought that he‟d done an awesome
    job of planning this for a Friday. He was going to be scratched,

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