Even Villains Have Interns
protestors, and hitmen all at the same party was more than her
contract covered.
    Ivan stepped in front of her. “Miss Samson.”
    “Hello. Goodbye.” She stepped around him.
    He followed her. “You need to leave.”
    “Working on it.”
    Delilah stared up at him. “Excuse me? Was that a
threat?” The couple nearest them turned around. With a brittle
smile, she grabbed Ivan’s arm hard enough to leave a bruise and
pulled him into the corner. “You don’t threaten me. Ever. I’m a
little too busy to pay you back for last night, but I promise, it’s
    She turned to go, and he caught her arm.
“Delilah.” It was a whisper meant for her ears alone. “Trouble is
coming to town. A hunter who likes big game. Subrosa doesn’t have
the resources for this.”
    With a soft smile that could have melted the
coldest hearts, she whispered back, “Drop dead, Ivan. It’ll save me
the trouble of getting another pair of boots dirty.” She batted her
    With a few quick strides that stretched the
clingy skirt of her gown to its limits, she caught up with her
quarry. “Addison, darling, come with me a moment. There’s someone
you simply must meet.” She brushed away the various sycophants and
snatched Addison’s glass from her hand. The fumes rising up
explained Addison’s wobbly walk. “Did you bring a flask of vodka
    Addison giggled as Dylan and Travys fell in line
behind her.
    Delilah shoved the glass at her intern. “Drop
that with one of the wait staff and meet us at the back door.”
    “What’s going on?” Dylan demanded.
    “The blond man in there? That’s Ivan Petrovich,
a known mob operative. The client’s father is rumored to owe them
money, and she’d make lovely ransom bait.” Grabbing Addison by the
shoulders, Delilah steered her to the back door. “We’re moving out
now. Alert her overnight team. Tell them to meet us at the
    Addison smiled drunkenly at her. “Kiss me?”
    “You’re still not my type,” Delilah said.
    Travys ran up to them carrying everyone’s coats.
“I grabbed them from the jacket claim,” he explained.
    Delilah held Addison’s coat by the shoulders.
Addison stuck her arm in the sleeve on the third try and Delilah
zipped her up. As she turned Addison around, Delilah slipped a hand
into the coat pocket and palmed the phone she found inside.
    Their party made it to the waiting vehicle
without trouble, but as soon as Addison sat down she reached for
her phone. As everyone else buckled up, Delilah watched the drunk
girl check her each pocket three times over.
    “Problems?” she asked when it was clear Addison
had run out of places to search.
    “My phone.” Addison pouted.
    Dylan sighed and rolled his eyes. “It probably
dropped out at the coat claim.” He reached to unbuckle himself from
the front passenger seat.
    “I’ll get it,” Delilah said, holding up a hand.
“Go on ahead. I’ll be a few minutes behind you.”
    “I don’t like that,” Chad said in her ear.
    Dylan nodded at Chad’s comment. “We shouldn’t
split up. Addison can wait until morning for her phone, right?”
    Addison gasped as if she’d been slapped. “No
phone? All night? Are you crazy?”
    “It won’t take me more than five minutes to find
the phone. I’ll be right behind you.” Delilah waved away Dylan’s
next argument. “My call. It’s okay.” She took her earpiece out and
tossed it to Travys. “I’ll see you in thirty minutes, give or take
a stoplight.” With a flash of a smile she stepped back into the
bitter winter cold.
    The car wheels were turning before the door
locked. Delilah watched them drive off. In her pocket, she thumbed
Addison’s phone off. The last thing she needed was the GPS tracking
her every movement. The cab which had followed Addison’s car pulled
up, cabbie hidden by an upturned collar and an oversized flat
    “Where to?” Freddie asked as she climbed inside.
He turned down the police

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