Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 01]

Read Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 01] for Free Online

Book: Read Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 01] for Free Online
Authors: Love's Destiny
she enjoyed feeling its full effects as she strolled along the deck. The gentle creaking of the wood and rigging became a comforting sound, and she quickly acclimated her step to the rolling of the ship. She had often visited her father’s vessel, the Spirit , when it was in port, and being on the Destiny brought memories of happier times vividly to her mind. Instead of making her melancholy, however, these memories helped Emily to feel more at home.
    She walked along the deck watching the steady motion of the sea. The sun was descending in the western sky, painting the horizon with a soft, rosy glow.
    “It will be a fair day tomorrow.” Mr. Gates was at her elbow. “Sometimes, Miss Wentworth, we need only watch the signs to know if we sail to fair or foul,” he smiled at her.
    “What if you do not know what the signs are, Mr. Gates? What if you have never been to sea before?” she asked, wondering at his meaning.
    “Then you must trust your instinct. You must reach deep inside for your answer. But many times we refuse to listen, even to ourselves and what we know to be true,” he replied.
    “Perhaps we learn as we go along, Mr. Gates.”
    “Perhaps, Miss Wentworth.” He tipped his cap and moved on. Emily stared after him, slightly disturbed, but unable to put her finger on the reason.
    She walked slowly to her cabin, reluctant to go below. But she had not much time to freshen up for supper. She, Andrew and Mr. Gates joined Jonathon in his cabin for the evening meal. Although close quarters, the conviviality of the men made the meals enjoyable and Emily found she looked forward to these times.
    Her cabin was smaller than Jonathon’s and the space was again used as economically as possible. A bunk tucked into one bulkhead, and a small armoire, table and chair took another. Darkening windows gave evidence of the setting sun so Emily lit the lantern above the table. She chose a muslin gown of deep burgundy, having saved her finer dresses for her arrival in Virginia. This dress had a square neckline edged in ivory lace. The tight fitting bodice flattered her slender waist and shapely bosom. She brushed her hair until it shone in the lantern light and tied it back with a burgundy ribbon. Wisps of her honey-colored hair escaped the ribbon and settled about her face, try as she did to capture and hold them back. Sighing, she gave up the effort, unaware of the softness they lent to her loveliness.
    A tap sounded on the door. “Em, may I come in?”
    She opened the door and Andrew stepped in. Emily gasped as she was struck by his rugged good looks. He wore light blue breeches and a royal blue coat over a spotless white shirt. His face was tanned and his hair bleached by the sun. He flashed a white smile and bowed low.
    “May I escort you to supper, my lady?” His eyes danced as he straightened and offered her his arm.
    “Thank you, kind sir,” she answered, her lilting laughter filling the cabin. She slipped her arm through his, and they walked the short distance to Jonathon’s cabin.
    • • •
    Jonathon and Mr. Gates rose simultaneously and almost collided as each reached to hold Emily’s chair. Mr. Gates deferred and Jonathon took Emily’s arm and seated her. The meal passed quickly with good conversation. Emily enjoyed Mr. Gates’s yarns, although she suspected he embellished them. Many of his stories were sprinkled with the heroic deeds of Jonathon, who seemed uncomfortable when these were mentioned. He deftly steered the conversation away from himself and gave Mr. Gates a disparaging look. Andrew began to stifle yawns until Jonathon finally ordered him to bed.
    “A sailor’s day starts early, Andrew. You had better get some rest or you will be of no use to me,” Jonathon gently chided.
    “If you will excuse me, Captain, I will also retire,” Mr. Gates said.
    “Of course, Mr. Gates. Good night to you both.” He turned to Emily, “May I interest you in a stroll before you retire, Emily?”

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