Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 01]

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Book: Read Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 01] for Free Online
Authors: Love's Destiny
roguishly, breaking the spell.
    “You are insufferable,” she retorted and turning, walked quickly to her cabin. The sound of his laughter floated behind her on the breeze.
    • • •
    The weeks passed smoothly with continued good winds and fair weather. Jonathon was finding it more and more difficult to be around Emily in such close proximity without being affected by her beauty. The sun had lightened her hair to a golden radiance, and, though she was careful to shade it, her complexion was imbued with a healthy, tanned glow. She had adjusted her gait to the motion of the ship, but it did not hide the lithe grace with which she moved. Jonathon was not the only man on board who paused in his labors to watch her progress along the deck. But the men were respectful to her and tried to make her voyage as comfortable and amiable as possible, many entertaining her with stories and pleasantries just for the reward of her dimpled smile. One evening when it rained lightly, the crew tripped over each other setting out buckets to catch the rainwater for her bath. Jonathon good-naturedly watched his men do this, but there was an unspoken law that no man would cross the line to questionable behavior.
    Jonathon puzzled over his role as Emily’s guardian. What she had said that first night he had met her was true — she was a woman, not a child. Yet, there was an innocence about her that wanted protecting. He was aware of a growing feeling of attachment to both Andrew and Emily. The promise he had made to George was sacred to him, and he would see it through as best he could, in spite of Emily’s protests.
    Emily’s awareness of Jonathon was no less marked. She covertly watched him from behind lowered lashes as he stood at the helm directing the men, who would snap into action at a word. Though the crew was well trained, there was a pride each man held in his own worth that Jonathon had helped to instill. They were a loyal crew, he a demanding yet fair captain.
    He was not above throwing himself into a task if needed, and Emily watched him once when the wind shifted suddenly requiring swift action. He stripped to his breeches and sprang in with the others to get the ship on an even keel. His broad chest was matted with thick, curly hair, and the muscles in his arms and back rippled with strength as he adjusted the rigging. His long, solid legs stood firm as he braced them against the deck. The men around him scrambled to their tasks following his orders, and soon the Destiny was clipping along in full accord with the wind. Jonathon turned and, too late, Emily lowered her eyes. A devilish grin spread across his face as he sauntered toward her.
    “Are you so enamored of me that I am not safe from your scrutiny?” he teased.
    “Captain Brentwood, I was interested only in the working of your ship.” She turned so that he could not see the rosy hue that diffused across her cheeks.
    “I am disappointed. I thought it was I you were appraising. Is there any hope that one day I will favorably catch your eye, my lady? Dare I hope for an ardent look, a gentle touch, mayhap a stolen kiss from one such as lovely as she who tempts me from afar?” He leaned toward her and whispered, “Will I stand a chance against all those eligible young men in Virginia who will clamor about you for your slightest word, a glance from those eyes that challenge the beauty of the finest sapphire?”
    Emily’s cheeks darkened as he spoke and she tried to quell the pleasurable feeling his words evoked. His breath brushed her ear and sent shivers down her spine.
    “Excuse me, Captain; it is becoming quite windy up here.” Not turning to look at him, she hurried to her cabin.
    • • •
    Spring on the Atlantic sometimes brought extremes in the weather. Once the drizzle that bade them farewell from London had ceased, they were blessed with fair weather for two weeks. But as the third week began, clouds moved in and the sea took on a churning, surging

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