The Good Girl
the Lifeproof case appeared on the bar. It made me want to cry, or run, or kiss him. “Quick,” I ordered. “Next question.”

    Standing up, he looked at me seriously. “So, how many people have you been with, had sex with?” He asked me. The way he asked, the way he looked at me, I knew my answer was important. Somehow, I wanted to please him. My response...could make it go either way.

    “Two. I’ve slept with two guys my whole life. One time each.” This time, being a Stone didn’t matter. My face fell. I couldn’t stand to see the look of shock or disappointment, or...what the hell was that look in his eyes? “What?!” I had to ask, since he was impossible to decipher.

    “You...amaze me. You really are a good girl.” Then, before I could look down, his finger was under my chin, forcing me to look at him. “And I mean that in the best way.” He glanced toward the kitchen door where another waitress was bustling through to give him a drink order. After excusing himself, he walked over to her, leaving me to consider all that was happening between us.
    This man, this guy from college was so different from what I imagined. It was nice. So few people actually surprised me anymore. With all of our family obligations, I had been exposed to so many individuals from so many walks of life. Experience had trained me to recognize personality types and yet, I couldn’t seem to find a neat little box to stick him in anymore. Before, he fit so nicely into the man-whore one. Now, he seemed too big to be contained within those confines any longer.
    Staring at the list, I realized how daunting it was, but maybe...just maybe with the right wouldn’t seem so bad after all. Certainly, some of these could be I could watch porn alone (#32) while learning to give myself multiple orgasms (#33). My mind was racing with the possibilities this list inspired. When I looked up, I saw him smiling at me warmly while drying a glass. “What’s that for?” I asked, hoping he’d explain what was going on in his mind.
    Moving closer, he patted his vest pocket. “Hey, I ask the questions around here, doll.” The color was rising in my cheeks, I could feel it. “So, you’ve had sex twice with two different people. Did you at least enjoy it?”
    Thinking wasn’t necessary before responding. “Not even a little bit,” I admitted sadly. “The first time...hurt. The second time wasn’t any better. And apparently I suck because...there were no repeat performances.” A sigh escaped my lips. “I mean, look, even you couldn’t get into it with me.” At that admission, I stiffened and glanced around conspicuously, worrying over who might have heard. No one seemed to have paid any attention to me. Typical.

    His eyes were wide as he leaned closer. “That’s what you think? You think I didn’t want you?” Shaking his head, he started to speak but was interrupted once more. The bar was getting busier. “Don’t. Go. Anywhere.” For the first time since we’d actually started speaking to each other the day before, Wyatt looked completely serious. Despite his words, I slipped off the stool and headed for the restroom.

    Once inside, I leaned on the counter and let my face cool against the marble tile wall. The door opened and a woman walked in. I barely paid attention as she glanced about the room, and walked back out.

    “Thank you.” His voice was clear through the bathroom door.

    Sighing, I slumped against the wall and even started to head into the nearest stall when the door flew open. He was there, in front of me. My first instinct was to protest his unwelcome presence in the bathroom. “This is the ladies’ room,” I hissed.
    Instead of speaking, he pressed me against the wall, covering my body with his. When he finally revealed his thoughts, he simply asked, “Are these the actions of a disinterested guy?” Then his lips were suddenly on mine.

    God help me, I was responding, making out with a

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