
Read Bite for Free Online

Book: Read Bite for Free Online
Authors: Deborah Castellano
harder until, with a howl, I am filled with thick, hot lava. We are burning together and I twitch around him, holding him in for as long as I can while he pants and collapses onto my back. I slowly release the strength in my shoulders and arms and we fall into the wolf fur. As I look to the ceiling, I notice a skylight. The clouds scud past over the moon and the candles go out. We are in darkness. The screens are off and the only light, is the flash and glint of my lover’s eyes.
    It is closing time at the museum. The only sound is the clack-clack of my heels purposefully striding to the natural history section … 

Innocent Demon
by Lynn Lang
    Father Andreas wasn’t a vain man but he couldn’t completely ignore the whispers and admiring glances that followed him wherever he went. His movie-star looks were incongruous with his black robes – and, as far as the women of Siena, Italy, were concerned, this situation was deeply unfair. This unwanted attention was why he had chosen an area within the church that kept him away from the general population, but when parishioners and admirers alike approached him, he had no recourse but to be polite and pretend not to notice their lust or envy.
    Today, however, he was on a mission and as he walked through the Piazza del Campo, he had no time to chat with the voluptuous Marinella who offered him free gelato , or the kindly old Mr Fiortino, who bowed his head in shame for a past misdemeanour. He was rushing to get to the specialist hospital on the other side of the city and, as he weaved his way through streets that had been designed to confuse invaders, Andreas wished for once they were a little less meandering.
    Andreas barely had any friends, and especially not female ones, but Sister Eva was different. Nuns as a whole weren’t prone to jealousy, but when Eva had been called to join the church five years before, a definite resentment had soon become apparent among the other sisters. Eva was, to put it quite simply, stunning. Even Andreas, who had hardened himself to beauty, had to admit her magnificence. And when she donned her habit, her luminous green eyes dominated her face and made her even more breathtaking.
    Sister Maria, who ran the convent, kept Eva behind the scenes doing chores, at which she proved adept. Eva tended the gardens without complaint and it was through their mutual love of horticulture and nature that Andreas befriended her. They would work in companionable silence, yet every time Andreas looked at her, he caught his breath. Normally, he was able to focus on people’s inner beauty, but not only was Eva blessed with the looks of a goddess, she had the heart of an angel. He struggled with himself constantly when he was near her.
    Eva and Andreas would spend sunny afternoons together planting seeds or picking berries or simply weeding the garden. Sometimes their hands would touch, ever so lightly, and Andreas grew warm and couldn’t help but feel a throbbing ache. He knew he was tempting fate just by being in her presence, but he loved spending time with her and their friendship grew.
    Very occasionally, his feelings of lust would become too great to ignore, and then, late at night, he would pleasure himself, imagining Eva naked and writhing underneath him. The next morning, he would say his prayers and avoid her for a week as a penance. Lately, he had been thinking about her so much that, to put some distance between himself and temptation, he volunteered for a difficult assignment abroad. Little did he realise the danger she would be facing back home.
    Eva’s troubles started when a flu virus made more than half the nuns in her convent ill and she had to substitute as a teacher at the nursery school. One of the fathers of a toddler was captivated by her and, although Sister Eva kept her distance, this man would not be deterred. Over the course of two weeks, he became obsessed and began to stalk Eva, even following her into

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