Dual Embrace: 3 (Shadowpeak Wolves)

Read Dual Embrace: 3 (Shadowpeak Wolves) for Free Online

Book: Read Dual Embrace: 3 (Shadowpeak Wolves) for Free Online
Authors: Lorna Jean Roberts
Tags: Erótica
that. It was her fault she was in this situation. She’d pushed him away and she had to learn to live with the consequences of that decision.
    Besides, how would he feel if he found out she’d nearly slept with another man?
    “Cassie’s still in with the doctor. No one can see her yet. Some of the pack are in a waiting room.”
    “Then that’s where I want to be.”
    Cain stared at her for a long moment. “Lean on me. Use this.” He handed over her walking stick. He must have retrieved it from Laney’s car.
    Dusty concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other as they moved down the corridor. She looked around the waiting room. They were at the human hospital, but the room’s only occupants were Shadowpeak wolves.
    Stopping briefly to hug Laney, she nodded at her other packmates as she made her way slowly to a chair, hating that they could see how weak she was.
    Dusty sat with a grimace. She detested hospitals. They sapped her, stole her strength.
    She knew they pumped something into the air in these places.
    As she sat there, bits of memory came back to her in patchwork fashion.
    Someone calling out to her, asking if she was all right.
    A car squealing as it quickly arrived.
    Jay’s stricken, pale face as he and Cooper worked to free a badly injured Cassie.
    The ambulance arriving.
    Cain by her side the entire time.
    “Here, take these.” Two small pills rested in Cain’s large palm. In his other hand was a plastic cup filled with water. Huh, maybe she was still a little out of it. She hadn’t even seen him move.
    “No.” She shook her head, explaining as his gaze narrowed. “They’ll make me drowsy and slow.”
    “These are your day pills, they won’t make you sleepy,” he told her.
    She shook her head again.
    “You take these, Dusty, or you and I are going to have words. Do you really want that?” His voice remained calm but she heard the strength of will behind them. He meant every word.
    She took the pills.
    His dark gaze focused in on her face, possessive, infinitely hungry. An answering stir of heat bubbled in her stomach as she stared back at him. She ran her gaze over him, trying to memorize every detail. She’d nearly died without touching him again, seeing him naked.
    Now that would have been a tragedy.
    Beneath the loose, dark-blue t-shirt he wore his chest was muscular, his stomach trim, his chocolate-colored skin smooth and hot to the touch. Her gaze lowered. He wore a pair of tight jeans, faded from numerous washes. She wished she could see his backside, could reach out and squeeze his tight ass. He had the best butt she’d ever seen. She should know, she’d spent many hours admiring it.
    “Dusty, can you tell us what happened?” Cooper’s voice interrupted her perusal. She glanced up at Cain quickly, almost blushing at the heat in his eyes. She averted her gaze, looking over at Cooper, who stood across the room. Laney sat next to him. She was pale, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. Cooper’s hand rested on her shoulder in an obvious gesture of comfort.
    “Oh shit, it was Laney’s car.” Man, she was slow today. She hadn’t once questioned why someone was after her and Cassie. “He attacked us because he thought it was Laney driving. It must have been the bastard who’s been sending you threatening letters. What the hell is going on?” she asked the petite blonde, not really expecting an answer.
    “I don’t know, but someone seems to want me dead,” Laney replied hoarsely.
    “Well, that’s not going to happen.” Steel infused Cooper’s voice.
    “This is my fault,” Dusty exclaimed.
    “What?” Jay turned from the window he’d been staring out of, his back hunched, his pain easy to see. “How is this your fault?” His voice was a low, ominous growl. Jay was the most easygoing werewolf she’d ever met, someone she considered a close friend, but right now she barely recognized him.
    “I called Cassie. I asked her to come and get me.”

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