Desecration: Antichrist Takes The Throne
    “And it is right there?”
    “Yes.” Leon sounded miserable.
    “Poor man! A sore on your left-”
    “Yes. On my, uh-on my behind.”
    Carpathia seemed to be stifling a giggle. “You must tell me about the image.”
    “On the way, sir. I was hoping you’d notice.”
    “My mark.”
    “Let me see! On your hand! Striking! Two-one-six! Excellent. Thank you, my friend. Does it hurt?”
    “I wouldn’t know. Because of the, uh-”
    “Yes, well. . .”
    “Anyway, I’ll show you the chosen image. It’s life-size and gold and beautiful. And when I had taken the mark of loyalty, I fell before it and worshiped.”
    “Bless you, Leon. And may you heal quickly.”

    HATTIE KNELT in her hotel room in Tel Aviv, thanking God for all she had learned from Tsion Ben-Judah in such a short time. She thanked him for Leah and for Chaim and especially for Buck, whom she had met even before he became a believer. She thanked God for Rayford, who first told her about Christ. She thanked him for Albie who, for some reason, cared so much for her.
    As she prayed, she became aware of someone standing in her room. Here she was, one who always checked everywhere before locking herself in. No one else could have been there. Yet the sound of his words made her lower her face to the floor as if in a deep sleep. Suddenly a hand touched her, which made her tremble. And a voice said, “O daughter, you are greatly beloved of God. Understand the words I speak to you, and stand upright, for I have been sent to you.”
    Hattie had read Dr. Ben-Judah’s story of being spoken to in a dream, and she stood, shaking. The voice said, “Do not fear, for from the first day you humbled yourself before your God, your words were heard. I have come because of your words.”
    “May I know who speaks to me?” Hattie managed.
    “I am Michael.”
    Hattie was too terrified to say anything eloquent. She said, “What are you supposed to tell me?”
    He said, “I have come to make you understand what will happen in these latter days.” Hattie felt so privileged she couldn’t say anything. And Michael added, “O daughter greatly beloved, fear not! Peace be to you; be strong, yes, be strong! Accept not the blasphemy of the evil one and his false prophet. If you are wise, you shall shine like the brightness of the firmament. Those who turn many to righteousness shall shine like the stars forever and ever. Many shall be purified, and made white and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.”
    Hattie sat panting. She took the message to mean she was to speak out against the lies of Antichrist. She prayed that God would give her the courage, because she could only imagine what would happen. She couldn’t sleep and asked God if she was deluded. “Why me?” she said. “There are so many older in the faith and better equipped to do such a thing.”
    Hattie went to her computer and e-mailed Dr. Tsion Ben-Judah, relaying the entire incident. She set the message to be delivered to him after she would have a chance to confront Carpathia the next day, along the Via Dolorosa, she assumed. She concluded,
    Perhaps I should have consulted you rather than scheduling this to be sent to you after the fact, but I feel directed to exercise faith and believe God. I look at what I’ve written and I don’t even sound like myself. I know I don’t deserve this any more than I deserved God’s love and forgiveness.
    Maybe this is all silly and will not happen. If I chicken out, it will not have been of God and I will intercept this before it gets to you. But if you receive it, I assume I will not see you until you are in heaven. I love you and all the others, in Christ.
    Your sister,
    Hattie Durham
    Rayford gathered the troops at the airstrip. He introduced the Fatal Four and explained their roles. “Deputy Commander Elbaz,” he said, referring to Albie, “will

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