Desecration: Antichrist Takes The Throne
ferry Mr. Hassid to Petra, where he will begin setting up the communications center. Jewish by blood, Mr. Hassid plans to stay with the displaced believers.”
    A hand went up, an African’s. “Is Hassid the one we have to thank for being able to stand here today?”
    “Among many,” Rayford said. “But it’s safe to say that without the GC thinking this is their own operation, we’d be getting strafed right now.”
    Someone else asked, “How realistic is it that this can last?”
    “We’re in no-man’s-land,” Rayford said. “Once the fleeing Israelis are followed here, it will be obvious what we are doing. As you know, the healthy will walk. But it is quite a journey, and the GC should quickly overtake them. We believe God will protect them. The elderly, the toddlers, and the infirm will need rides. You will recognize them by the mark of the believer and probably also by the fear on their faces. Anyone arriving here in any manner should be transported immediately to Petra by helicopter. Some of these birds have huge capacities, so fill ‘em up. Petra is about fifty miles southeast of here. You all have the flight plans.”
    “It sounds like a death flight,” someone called out.
    “By any human standard, it is,” Rayford said. “But we are the wings of the eagle.”
    “The co-op didn’t call for food or clothing,” someone said. “How will these people survive?”
    “Anyone want to address that?” Rayford said, and several talked over each other, explaining that God would provide manna and water and that clothes would not wear out.
    Finally Rayford raised a hand. “One thing we don’t know is timing. Carpathia is on schedule to begin down the Via Dolorosa at 1100 hours. That will end at the Garden Tomb. Whether he will speak from there or head for the temple, we don’t know. We’ve heard that the winning image of the potentate has been chosen and moved to the Temple Mount, where people are already gathering to worship it and take the mark of loyalty.”
    “Of the beast, you mean!”
    “Of course. And many want to do that with Carpathia present. When he learns the crowds are waiting for him, he’ll want to be there.”
    “Are your people in place, Captain Steele?”
    “As far as we know. The only one we have not heard from is not crucial to the operation, unless she has been compromised.”
    “When will Carpathia be opposed?”
    “Our man may debate him before he enters the temple. Who knows? The crowd may oppose him-at their peril, of course. You must remember, it is not just Jewish and Gentile believers and unbelievers in Jerusalem. There are also Orthodox Jews who do not embrace Jesus as their Messiah but who have never accepted Carpathia as deity either. They could very well oppose him and refuse to take the mark. Then, of course, there are many undecided.”
    “They’ll decide soon, won’t they?”
    “Likely,” Rayford said. “And many will decide the wrong way. Without Christ, they will succumb to fear, especially when they see the consequences of opposing Carpathia. Okay, it’s time for transportation troops to head toward Israel. When the time comes, help anyone who needs it.”
    “And if we are stopped?”
    “You’re on your own,” Rayford said.
    “I’m going to tell them I’m on my way to get the mark of loyalty.”
    “That’s lying,” someone else shouted.
    “I have no problem lying to Carpathia’s people!”
    “I do!”
    Rayford held up a hand again. “Do what God tells you to do,” he said. “We’re depending on him to protect his chosen people and those who are here to help them.”
    Buck found a perch overlooking Pilate’s court behind several thousand cheering supplicants. The elderly Rosenzweig appeared to gasp for breath without making a sound. Sweat appeared on his forehead, and Buck thought it a credit to Zeke that it did not affect the old man’s phony color. This was more than makeup.
    Still, Chaim had not spoken since they left the hotel,

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