Dark Love
and I can pack. It’s just I’m worried . . .’ Sarah was going to
explain but Daniel grabbed her and kissed her hard on the lips,
yanking her up to her feet.
    ‘Of course I
will. Let’s go now,’ and with that he held her hand tightly and
sped through the forest in the direction of Sarah’s house.

glowed from within as he sped on. It was still some way to
Sarah’s house and he wanted to do this quickly so they could get
back to the urn. He felt he had already left it unattended too long
and was anxious to get back to it, to bury it and get it out of
their lives so that they could move on. Move literally, he wondered
where they should go as there was an infinite variety of places
they could choose from. But then, he had been to many places so
maybe he should let Sarah decide. This was going to be more of an
upheaval for her. Daniel had not ever chosen a place to live
himself though as he had always been following Sebastian, ever
since he had turned, trying to do damage control and to save lives.
It was a long time since he had had anyone else to consider in his
plans, and the idea of choosing a place was tempting. He hoped the
same places appealed to them both.
    He also sped on
as it would be fun for Sarah – and he could see how it was – the
expression on her face! She had the biggest grin, and her long,
honey blond hair was streaming out behind her. She looked stunning,
if, errr . . . a little messy, he thought wryly. They would both
need baths before they could go to the airport or see Sarah’s kids.
They could do that at the hotel he’d been staying in, and he could
pack up his stuff while she showered and got dressed.
    They whipped
around a few more trees, Sarah laughing beside him, when he spotted
her house up ahead. He drew to a quick stop, and Sarah nearly fell
over, but he pulled her playfully against him. He lifted her off
her feet and kissed her passionately. God, he loved her so much,
and she was sexy. Very, very sexy. He started to feel aroused and
pushed her back against a tree. He knew he shouldn’t, but she was
here, and oh, she was beautiful. But she pushed away, ahh – he made
himself control his body. He knew why she did not want this now;
she was worried for her parents. As he drew back and looked into
her face her eyes glinted mischievously, driving him mad. He wanted
to jump her, but he restrained himself.
    ‘Sarah . .
    ‘Yes,’ she
answered, breathlessly.
    ‘You should
wait here – and I’m going to influence you – to make sure everyone
stays safe. Is that ok?’ he said.
    He hoped he was
right to ask her this time and that she would not resist. He was
relieved to see her nod and immediately asserted his will and said,
‘Stay here and wait for me.’
    Daniel turned
and walked towards Sarah’s house, glancing back at her over his
shoulder. She smiled gently, making his heart ache to return to
her. He forced himself to turn around as he walked out of the
forest and up to her front gate. It was closed so he unhitched the
catch and walked up the path to the front door.
    He could hear
that Sarah’s parents were still up, she had been right - their
anxious voices were traveling out into the night. He was glad to
hear the children breathing softly from upstairs; Sarah’s parents
had obviously managed to calm them. Maybe Megan had not understood
what she had seen when Sebastian had snapped Sarah’s neck. She had
obviously been very distressed, Daniel remembered her wails well,
but that did not mean she knew that Sarah had died. Megan may have
thought her badly hurt. Maybe it had seemed ridiculous to her, and
to Sarah’s parents, and they had persuaded her it was a dream.
    Daniel wondered
what the time was, it seemed like a long night, but from looking up
at the stars he thought it was probably only about three in the
morning. The last few hours felt like they stretched into days,
each minute of Sarah’s new life being vivid in his memory.

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