Dark Love
lightly on the door – loud enough for Keith and Alice to hear, but
hopefully not loud enough to wake up Megan and Bea too.
    He immediately
heard footsteps approaching and the door was flung open – revealing
Sarah’s graying father, Keith, standing there in an old tartan
dressing gown.
    ‘Daniel! Come
in. Did you find Sarah?’ he asked, and stepped back.
    Daniel entered
quickly, immediately projecting a calming influence. ‘Yes, she is
fine, do not worry. Well, she is upset, I took her back to
my hotel room and put her to bed there, and she has gone to sleep.
I came to tell you it is alright and you can rest now. We will come
over together in the morning.’
    Daniel enforced
each word with his will, making sure that Keith would believe him,
that he wouldn’t question him, and that he would do as Daniel
    Alice, Sarah’s
Mom, appeared in the doorway looking very concerned. She had dark
shadows beneath her eyes, which were bloodshot from crying. Daniel
extended his influence to her and watched as she relaxed before
    ‘Don’t worry
Alice. Sarah will be ok and you will see her in the morning. Go
upstairs and sleep now,’ Daniel finished. He turned to Keith and
said, ‘When I go back outside, lock up and then go to bed. Sleep
until the kids wake up in the morning.’
    ‘OK Daniel,’
Keith responded solemnly.
    Daniel stepped
back outside. Now he and Sarah could do what was needed. They would
find the urn and bury it, and it would be done.
    He walked back
down the path and closed the gate firmly behind him. He looked up
at the forest where he had left Sarah. It was pitch black under the
trees as the moon had set, but he could just make out her face
under the starlight. She was leaning against a tree and waiting as
he had told her to. He stepped off the path and made his way across
the undergrowth to return to her side.

    Sarah saw
Daniel coming and stood up straight. She was anxious to hear
how her family was doing. He was approaching across the undergrowth
she had so frequently stumbled over herself on walks with her
    She caught
Daniel’s eye as he got closer and said, ‘Are they all ok?’
    ‘They are. Your
kids are sleeping soundly in their rooms. Your parents were worried
but I’ve influenced them to calm down and go to sleep till morning.
I’ve told them you are sleeping in my hotel, that you are ok, and
that we will go see them in the morning.’
    ‘Thank you
Daniel, thank you so much,’ Sarah said.
    She was very
appreciative that he had postponed his plans for her and her
parents. She supposed burying the urn was probably quite important
and now they had to find it.
    ‘No worries,’
Daniel replied, and Sarah saw a mischievous look in his eyes as he
moved closer.
    Her cheeks
warmed as she thought she understood his intension, but before she
had had a chance to say anything she felt his arms around her and
she was over his shoulder.
    ‘Daniel!’ she
shrieked while beating at his back, ‘What are you doing?’
    ‘Going to find
the urn of course,’ he said whilst streaking thought the trees.
Sarah yelped as she just missed a branch. It was pitch black under
the canopy of trees, and even with her newly enhanced senses she
could only just see where they were going. The dark felt entirely
different in her new form, it felt freeing, liberating.
    She let Daniel
carry her, as he was ignoring her protests anyway, and allowed
herself to enjoy it. He was moving at an incredible speed. Her
skirt was flying up and she was very aware of her exposed bum and
ripped underwear. She really needed some fresh clothes. Sarah
forgot about this as her hair whipped in her eyes and Daniel
skidded to a halt next to the urn.
    Sarah could
smell the dried blood from the deer she had fed on after awakening,
as it was not far away. She looked down at the urn, half surprised
Daniel had found it so easily. It was a large metal vessel, shining
faintly silver in the starlight, stoppered

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