Dark Love
with a cork. She heard
Daniel’s exhaled breath, and realized he had been worried about
that too. But it was here, and she thought it was about time that
Daniel put her down. She was not going to say anything though, she
was going to wait and see what he decided to do.
    ‘Sarah,’ he
taunted, swaying her a little.
    I’m keeping my
mouth shut, she thought, but realized too late she had been
projecting. He had heard her thought, and he laughed playfully. She
gasped as he threw her forwards and caught her in his arms. They
were close, his lips were before hers, and his hands were tight
around her waist.
    She traced his
lower lip with her fore finger, and realized she had moved closer
without thinking. They were breathing together, sharing their
breath; energy and power flowing between them. His lips were
touching hers and he was kissing her, so sweetly, so tenderly. Her
heart was going to melt, her body was going limp in his arms and he
was holding her weight with no apparent effort. His lips left hers
and cold air made them tingle where they were moist from his kiss.
She opened her eyes and looked into his and she spiraled to
eternity though his soul.
    ‘Daniel, what’s
happening?’ she projected, panicking; her mind felt like it was
slipping from her, she was getting lost in his.
withdraw your mind,’ she felt his answer. She concentrated hard and
came to, seeing his dark pupils again, but keeping her mind. He
kissed her hard and she responded. She was eager for him to be
physically close. She jumped and wrapped her legs around him,
holding herself in place with her leg muscles, something she could
not have done as a human. She pushed her hands down the back of his
pants and pulled his bum hard towards her. He was quickly
responding and she felt him push a hand up her top, cupping her
breast, and his other at his belt. She felt she could not wait and
this could not be drawn out. She had to have him now. She pushed
against him, and he did against her and he was in her. He was so
hard and big, filling her, moving inside her.
    She groped for
his body, tugging at him, lost in space. He was balancing, no
support from either side, just their bodies against each other,
moving as one entity. As she was kissing him and he thrust his
tongue in her mouth she felt as though she was floating and that
they were twisting in the air, merging in their passion.
    She forgot
their surroundings, the trees and animals and darkness, and only
thought of Daniel. His warm loving mind and hard sexy body. His
silky hair and amazingly kissable lips, and his intuitive movement,
just doing exactly what made her feel good. Ahh, he was doing it
now. He was so close, her cheeks were burning and she was gasping
for breath. He was slowing down, playing with her, tantalizing
    She moved
against him quicker, forcing him to speed up. She had to have him
as she wanted him so bad. She thrust her tongue in his mouth and he
was massaging it with hers, while stroking her nipple and moving at
an exquisite rhythm that she came powerfully. Her orgasm wracked
her whole body, spasms traveling from her groin to her toes and
fingers, to her heart and brain, and he was still pounding, it was
stunning, and she exploded again as he came in her and they kissed,
Sarah’s heart feeling whole and loved as he held her tight in the
    ‘That was
unbelievable,’ Sarah whispered to him, becoming aware again of the
forest sounds around her. She realized that they really were
floating, and locked eyes with Daniel in wonder, as he slowly
lowered them to the ground.
    ‘How?’ she
    ‘I will show
you, in time,’ he answered quietly, but playful still.
    Sarah could not
help but smile at him again. Daniel. Ummm. Sexy, playful,
    ‘Back to
business now, right?’ she asked him.
    ‘I suppose so,’
he said slowly, reluctantly letting his arms fall from around her.
Sarah felt exposed without his touch, but she knew burying the urn
was something they

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