Daring Fire: Paranormal Romance (Bad Boys Of The Underworld Book 2)

Read Daring Fire: Paranormal Romance (Bad Boys Of The Underworld Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read Daring Fire: Paranormal Romance (Bad Boys Of The Underworld Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Mallory Crowe
said Gena. She needed Hope to at least hear her out.
    One pretty gray eye surrounded by black eyeliner looked at Gena through the small crack opened by the door. She stared Gena up and down, briefly glancing at Lady, who stood patiently next to Gena. “Do I know you?”
    Gena shook her head. “You don’t know me, but you have probably heard about me by now. My name is Gena Dodd. I’m really good friends with your sister and I was murdered last night.”
    Hope’s apartment was very similar to the store it was located above. Beads replaced doorways and blankets hung on the walls for decoration.
    Though the decorations were a bit too new age for Gena’s tastes, the place was neat and organized and was a decent amount of space for a city apartment.
    There was a kitchen and living area, a master bedroom and a second bedroom that was used as an office area for Hope for any of her “special” clients. Joy had told Gena the bulk of Hope’s income came not from working at the store, but from selling specialized potions to the high-class citizens of New York.
    Gena had never thought much about Hope’s job, but she was between a rock and her own dead body lying in the morgue at that very moment.
    Hope was relatively calm about the situation, but Gena was fairly sure Hope didn’t believe a word. She was just as beautiful as her sister: Tall. Naturally blonde hair dyed a shiny black. Gray eyes surrounded with beautiful and dainty features.
    “Are you sure you woke up next to your dead body?” she asked.
    Gena sighed in exasperation. She and Hope both sat on her sofa in the living area. Lady had made herself comfortable on the rug at their feet, and Gena was having a difficult time trying to explain the strangest day of her life to a virtual stranger.
    “It’s not exactly something I would mix up.”
    “I know that,” said Hope. “But you were traumatized, and seeing a lot of blood combined with having your home invaded and fending off an attack can make the mind go a little crazy.”
    “First of all, I’m a nurse, so I see lots of blood all the time. Second of all, I didn’t so much fend off an attack as I attempted to stop the knife with my stomach.”
    Hope took a sip of her freshly brewed herbal tea and contemplated the situation. “You have to understand that there are cases where people die and wake up again. Dozens of stories. Supernatural and natural stories. However, I cannot think of any scenario where the person wakes up with a brand new body.”
    “Well, that’s what happened. Different hair, missing scars, but somehow the same couple pounds I can never seem to lose.”
    Hope laughed. “It makes sense. If some power had to make you a new body, size is easy. Details like small scars or particular hairstyles are harder to recreate.”
    “You think some power created a new body for me? That doesn’t make any sense.”
    Hope shrugged. “I’m just brainstorming. I don’t really know what to make of you.”
    “Well that sucks.” Gena sighed. “You are the only person I know who might make sense out of all of this.”
    “Oh, I’m not giving up just yet,” reassured Hope. “There is an explanation out there for what happened last night. We just need to find the right trail of breadcrumbs to lead us to that explanation.”
    “There are no breadcrumbs!” Gena had racked her brain thousands of times on the drive to the city. There was nothing supernatural about any aspect of her life. She explained to Hope, “I have two great and completely normal parents, above average but not spectacular grades, and nothing crazy like this has ever happened to me.”
    Hope scowled. “And you are sure you’re not adopted?”
    Gena nodded. “I look exactly like my mother and have my father’s eyes.”
    “What about dreams? What do you normally dream about?” asked Hope.
    Gena went very still. “Are dreams important?”
    Hope sat up. “Sometimes they’re meaningless, but other times they can be

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