Daniel's Desire

Read Daniel's Desire for Free Online

Book: Read Daniel's Desire for Free Online
Authors: Callie Hutton
Tags: Romance, Historical
to make sure the women-folk are safe.”
    Why did his comment feel so good? He’d always known one day he would have a wife and hopefully a family. He shook his head at his foolishness. The boy’s words had affected him. Now was certainly not the time, nor place, to be thinking along those lines. He needed to remove himself from enemy territory and rejoin his regiment. Besides, Rosemarie Wilson despised him, and most likely would fill him full of buckshot if he wasn’t gone in a few days.
    He grinned. The best part of this whole package would be that fiery woman confined to bed. She was all spit and vinegar, but the softness in her seeped out when she dealt with her children. Had her husband seen that soft side too? It was too bad Daniel couldn’t stick around to find out. In fact, given the attraction he was beginning to feel, he best beat a path as far away from her as possible.

Chapter Four
    Daniel slapped the gutted rabbit on the table and hung the rifle over the fireplace. “I’m gonna check on your ma. Can you go out back to the few hens left and collect whatever eggs are there?”
    Chandler nodded and raced out the door.
    Rosemarie tossed on the bed, her mass of brown and gold hair tangling as she moved. Daniel approached the bed and checked her forehead for fever. It had spiked again.
    “Hans?” Her voice barely rose above a whisper.
    “No, Rosemarie. It’s Daniel.”
    Her brow furrowed. “Thirsty.”
    “Give me a minute to bring you something to drink and cool you down. I’ll be right back.” He touched his fingertips to her arm, and she stopped moving. Her dry skin seeped heat into his fingers.
    After retrieving the pan of water from the floor, he strode down the hallway to the kitchen.
    Awake from their nap, Jace and Amelia had settled themselves at the kitchen table, watching him carefully. Chandler added eggs to the bowl from the pocket he’d made with the front of his shirt. “How’s Ma?”
    Three pairs of eyes turned to him. “Her fever’s returned. I’ll have to bathe her again.” Daniel pumped fresh water into the pan and glanced over his shoulder.
    Chandler frowned. “What about the rabbit?”
    “I don’t suppose you know how to skin it?”
    The boy shook his head, his face paling. “No. Ma always did that stuff.”
    “All right, I’ll do it when I’m finished with your ma.” He nodded in the direction of the basket sitting on the floor. “Why don’t y’all wash those vegetables and set them into a pot of water? We’ll add the rabbit in a little bit.”
    Daniel grabbed the cloths left drying next to the sink, then carefully carried the pan of water down the hall. As he reached the doorway, he turned and called out. “Bring your ma a glass of water, please?” Then he ducked under the doorjamb and headed to the bed.
    When the bed dipped as he sat alongside her, she opened her eyes. “Where are my children?”
    “Chandler is fetching you a glass of water. Jace and Amelia are in the kitchen.”
    “What are you doing here? I thought I told you to leave.” Her sore lips barely moved. He had to bend close to her mouth to hear what she whispered.
    “You people sure know how to welcome visitors.”
    Her lips twitched.
    “You need help, ma’am, and your children require someone to watch over them while you’re laid up.”
    “Ma?” Chandler stood alongside the bed, glass in hand. “Do you feel better?”
    She nodded and reached for the water.
    Daniel slid his hand under her head, and eased her up so she could drink.
    “Not too much,” he said after she’d taken a few sips.
    She handed the glass back to Chandler. “You taking care of your brother and sister?” Rosemarie’s voice had eased with the water.
    “Yeah. And me and Mr. McCoy shot a rabbit.” Chandler’s chest puffed out, his mouth in a wide grin.
    Rosemarie’s gaze swung to Daniel. “Where’s the gun now?”
    Before Daniel could answer, Chandler jumped in. “Mr. McCoy put it away — up high over the

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