Daniel's Desire

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Book: Read Daniel's Desire for Free Online
Authors: Callie Hutton
Tags: Romance, Historical
in battle? Wounded? He might never know. Once the ire had subsided at what he’d considered his brother’s betrayal, a gnawing fear for the younger man’s life took the anger’s place, never to diminish during all the years of the war. Even fighting against each other wouldn’t break the brothers’ bond.
    “Mr. a’Coy, whatcha doing out here?” Amelia’s soft baby voice interrupted his musings.
    He turned to smile at the little girl, face flushed from sleep, dragging a rag doll behind her.
    “Just enjoying the sunrise, darlin’.”
    She settled alongside him, snuggling into the warmth of his body.
    He placed his arm around her shoulders and tugged her close. “You shouldn’t be out here without your coat.”
    “I forgot.” She tucked her fingers into her mouth and regarded him wide-eyed. “Are we goin’ to have oatmeal for breakfast again?”
    “No, ma’am. Chandler brought in some more eggs yesterday and we’ll scramble ’em up for you.”
    She nodded. “Good. I like scrambled eggs.”
    Daniel stood, scooping Amelia into his arms. “It’s time to start breakfast, and I need your help.”
    Amelia yawned, tiny tears forming in her eyes. “Don’t let Chandler help, ’cause he’ll just make oatmeal.”
    He deposited her on the chair as Chandler entered the kitchen, rubbing his eyes. “Ma’s lookin’ for you. Why were you outside?”
    “Looking at the beautiful sunrise,” Daniel said as he ruffled Chandler’s hair. “Why don’t you fetch those eggs you collected yesterday and scramble ’em up while I see what you ma wants?”
    “And don’t make oatmeal, Chandler.” Amelia’s voice drifted down the hall as he headed to Rosemarie’s bedroom.
    “Can you take away the water and help me get up?”
    Daniel placed the pan of water on the table next to her. “I don’t think so.”
    “Excuse me?” Her chin rose, and her eyes flashed in defiance.
    “I don’t mean to tell you what to do, but it’s really not a good idea to get out of bed yet.”
    “Look, Reb, I have work to do, children to take care of.”
    He pointed at her leg. “You could rip those stitches out, and you’d be back where you started. And besides we made a deal.”
    “We’re not your concern.”
    His jaw tightened. “You are now.”
    “Mama, Jace wet the bed again, and Chandler’s mad. He said he’s gonna make me eat oatmeal, even though Mr. a’Coy told him to cook me scrambled eggs. He’s being mean.” Amelia climbed on the bed, and Daniel grabbed her when he saw Rosemarie’s face pale.
    “Best to stay off your mama’s bed until her leg is better.” He shifted Amelia in his arms, and glanced at Rosemarie. “As soon as I get them settled, I’ll bring you some breakfast.”
    “Take care of them, I’ll be fine.”
    • • •
    Rosemarie studied the large man as he left the room carrying her little girl, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck.
    He’s a Reb.
    It would do her well to remember that. The southern scoundrels took all their food, shot her husband and left him for dead. Even with the best nursing she’d ever done, Hans succumbed within days. And left her alone with three children.
    Since then, not a day passed that she didn’t feel a burning hatred in her stomach. At one time, she’d been a contented, if not happy, wife and mother, and within days, she stood alone, struggling to keep her children from starving.
    The Rebs had taken her animals, including the horses. With the snows of winter upon them, and no way to visit any of the surrounding farms to solicit help, she and her eight-year-old son had dug her husband’s grave while the two little ones watched in confused silence. She’d conducted the burial service herself, praying from the worn Bible Hans had brought with him from Germany.
    After a supper of soup and bread, she had put the children to bed. Then she sat in the rocking chair Hans had made, and rocked, a blanket wrapped around her shaking body. Her eyes were still wide open

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