Tish. Tish looked at Eric. “I understand you’re not staying in the hotel, sir?”
“That’s correct,” Eric answered. “However, I do need the key to the boardroom and my office.”
“Yes, of course, sir,” said Tish deferentially. She handed him two keycards.
“Are you taking off for your condo now, Eric?” asked Kimo.
“Yes, I have to see what you’ve done to the place while I’ve been gone.”
“I just threw a couple of wild parties,” Kimo said jokingly. “Just kidding, braddah. Your place is exactly the way you left it.”
Kimo turned to Mia and explained, “Eric has me check on his place every once in a while to make sure the geckos haven’t taken over.”
“Geckos?” Mia asked, her eyes wide.
Kimo nodded. “They’re little lizards - harmless and kind of cute. I like them since they keep the pest population under control.”
Eric shook Kimo’s hand.
“Thanks for picking us up at the airport, Kimo. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”
“See ya, brah,” said Kimo. “Nice meeting you, Mia. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you often over the next few weeks.”
“I’m looking forward to it, Kimo.”
Mia watched Kimo walk away and glanced at Eric, who was looking about him with an air of satisfaction.
“Looks like they’ve got a lot done in the past few months,” Eric said as they walked toward the elevator together, wheeling her suitcases behind him.
“What time will you need me tomorrow?” asked Mia as the elevator doors closed.
“Why don’t you sleep in and get some rest?” he answered. “You can meet me in the boardroom at noon. Just ask anyone at the front desk where it is.”
* * *
Mia smiled at him gratefully, touched by his offer to let her sleep in. She was surprised to find him staring at her lips, and she felt herself melt at the intent look in his eyes. Sharing the small confines of the elevator with him suddenly seemed rather intimate. The elevator doors opened, allowing her to breathe more easily.
Mia followed him down the dark blue carpeted hallway, admiring his broad shoulders and brawny figure.
“Here you are, Mia,” said Eric as he inserted her key card into the door. “If you get hungry, there’s a restaurant downstairs. Let them know you’re my assistant so you won’t have to pay.”
“Thanks,” she said, suddenly feeling tongue-tied. He opened the door and placed her luggage in the middle of the large room. An awkward silence filled the air for a few seconds.
“Um, thanks for lugging around my stuff,” Mia said with a short laugh. “I probably brought more than I actually needed for this trip.”
He looked at her indulgently. “You’re welcome. Here’s my number at my condo if you need me.”
Mia’s eyes widened as he took out a scrap of paper from his pants’ pocket. She took the paper from him bemusedly. “Thanks,” she said, unsure of what else to say. “Have a good night.”
Eric’s eyes met hers and after a pause, he nodded. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Mia.”
Mia watched him walk out of her room and wondered why she felt so bereft. It would have been nice to have dinner with him tonight, but she supposed he had better things to do than spend more time in her company. She sighed and sat on her king-sized bed. Despite her weariness, she was filled with anticipation as she stared out of the window and beheld the beauty of Maui.
She awoke at seven in the morning, feeling refreshed and eager to start the day ahead. She had wanted to sleep in, but her body seemed to know that she was in a tropical paradise, and refused to stay in bed. After taking a shower and dressing in a pair of beige shorts and a green tank top, she decided to take a stroll around the hotel. Since Eric had told her that he wouldn’t need her until later that afternoon, she was eager to explore her surroundings.
“Aloha, miss,” greeted a man wearing a blue and white hotel uniform. He was raking the leaves near a tree.
“Aloha,” Mia said, smiling
Annathesa Nikola Darksbane, Shei Darksbane