Dangerous Attraction Romantic Suspense Boxed Set
while that pink dress wasn’t revealing in any way, the way it hinted at her curves made it disturbingly sexier by the moment. “You’re right, it will. But it’s not because I think you’re lying, okay?”
    It seemed important to her that he believe that. He nodded once. “Fair enough.”
    “Want me to tell him you said hello?”
    “Yeah, do that.” Because God knew, Hunter had plenty to say to his boss the next time they spoke.
    “Okay, see you in the morning then. Nine o’clock?”
    He nodded and watched Khalia cross the lobby toward the elevators, head up, spine straight, her high heels tapping against the marble floor. It didn’t escape his attention that every other man in the room noticed her too.
    Shaking his head, Hunter turned and headed back to the others waiting at the lounge’s seating area, wondering what the fuck he’d gotten himself into.

Chapter Four
    The knock on her hotel room door came at exactly nine the next morning. Hunter was punctual, that was for sure. She liked that he cared about attention to detail.
    Khalia strode over to answer the door, took a deep breath to quell the butterflies flitting around in her stomach before pulling it open. She and Hunter hadn’t gotten off on the best footing yesterday, and it was her fault. He probably thought she was a total bitch and hated the thought of being near her for the next week. She was determined to make amends for any damage she’d caused and smooth things over.
    She pulled the door open. Hunter stood there with his hair still damp from a recent shower and wearing cargo pants and a collared shirt. “Hi.”
    “Morning.” His intent gaze swept over her, taking in the modest knee-length blue dress and black silk scarf she’d covered her hair and shoulders with. Though there was nothing overtly sexual in the perusal, she could sense the male approval there and a shocking burst of heat filled her lower abdomen. Surprised by her visceral reaction, she chided herself for it. This was not the time or place for that sort of attraction. Not that she planned to let him know she felt a pull toward him.
    “Come on in.” She had the finalized printed itinerary laid out on the desk for him to look at. He waited for her to sit before turning the remaining chair around and straddling it, resting his defined forearms along the top of the backrest. A sexy, confident move that seemed as natural to him as breathing.
    She didn’t see a wedding band on his left hand, but maybe he didn’t wear one while he was working. A secret part of her hoped he wasn’t spoken for. Ropey muscles flexed along his right forearm, dusted with dark hair, as he shifted the paper and scanned it for a few moments. The man had ridiculously sexy arms. What would it feel like to be wrapped up in that kind of strength? She’d bet a hug from him would feel amazing, though he didn’t strike her as the hugging type.
    “I want to change where you’ve got us all staying in Saidu Sharif,” he said after a minute, still reading.
    “Oh.” She craned her neck around to peer at the paper. “Something wrong with it?” Ray had booked the hotel for them.
    “There are a few other places I know that’ll work better. Help us blend in a bit more while we’re in the tribal region.” He didn’t look up at her, his expression calm, his tone matter-of-fact.
    Blending in sounded good. “Okay. Anything else? Do we have an interpreter yet?”
    “I’ve got someone lined up already. We’ll pick him up on the way out of the city on Tuesday morning. Everything else looks good. For now, anyway.” He glanced up, and she was again startled by those light brown irises. She couldn’t help but stare. “Can I keep this?” When she nodded he folded it up and slipped it into the pocket of his khakis. “So, what did Tom have to say when you called him yesterday?”
    She didn’t even bother trying to deny it. “Just that you were one of the best guys he’s ever worked with, and that I should

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