Damon [The Texas Senator's Sons 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Book: Read Damon [The Texas Senator's Sons 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) for Free Online
Authors: Hennessee Andrews
Tags: Romance
bought for her. His cock twitched in his slacks just thinking about her long legs being shown off by that daringly short hemline. Ouch.
    God, he hoped she showed up. He glanced around the room and looked at his watch. He was nervous but didn’t want to admit that fact. If Regan didn’t show, he had plans for the rest of the night, though. Those plans were at a small dive of a club on the way out of the city where Hank Williams Jr. was still played in the jukebox. He never could get into the whole nightclub scene, preferring the simplicity of a run-down bar with a couple of pool tables in the corner and, of course, a jukebox.
    From where he was seated, he could watch people enter the restaurant. Regan entered in the outfit he purchased. Wow .
    The hostess led Regan to his table. He watched her wobble a time or two in the heels, looking nervous and absolutely ravishing.
    Damon stood as Regan walked up and smiled. “Hi.”
    “Hello,” Damon drawled, and pulled out her chair.
    When they sat down, Damon said a quick prayer of thanks for his good fortune. Now he was glad to be seated because seeing Regan in that dress caused an enormous erection instantly. Have mercy, the woman is hot and doesn’t even know it. He supposed that was why he was so attracted to her.
    “I’m glad you came. Wow, you look great,” Damon said, trying not to sound like a drooling teenager in the process.
    “Thank you.” Regan smiled. “You didn’t need to send the dress, I...”
    “I know you have probably have a closetful, but I thought of you when I saw it.” Among other things he thought about her.
    Regan blushed. “It’s too much, and the money—” she whispered, “that’s too much, way too much.”
    Damon smiled thoughtfully as he looked at her. “No, if you’ll help me, you will have expenses and, of course, you’ll have to pay someone to work at your shop for the week unless you plan on doing both, and please don’t tell me that’s your plan.”
    “Well, I don’t know. I have staff that can work, so that isn’t a problem.”
    “You’re going to help me, aren’t you?” Damon smiled. “If you do, please don’t try to run your business at the same time. You’ll wear yourself out.”
    Regan laughed, and her green eyes sparkled. “I won’t, and yes, I’m going to help you.”
    Damon grinned as he opened his menu. This is going to be a thrill ride . “What are you in the mood for?” he asked as he studied his menu halfheartedly.
    Regan followed and glanced at her menu. “I’m not picky.”
    That was a first for Damon, a woman who wasn’t picky. “Me personally, I love beef, so I’ll be having the steak.”
    Regan looked over the menu a moment longer then laid it down. “Sounds great. I love steak.”
    Damon smiled. He also loved a woman with a good appetite. And one that loved steak, huh , he was in heaven.
    The waiter poured them a glass of wine, and Damon fought his still-trembling hands. It had been quite a long time since he’d been out on a date, and even longer since the woman was as hot as the one sitting across from him.
    She watched him bring his glass to his lips, wetting her own. Mmm. He loved subtle cues. For him, they were sexy. He winked, making her giggle. That sound was music to his ears. They exchanged glances and smiled while sipping their wine. Damon liked to think they were communicating without the use of words. Were words necessary anyway?
    “You’re smiling. Penny for your thoughts.” Damon grinned.
    Regan blushed and twisted her napkin with her hands nervously. “I was just thinking how lovely this restaurant is. Do you come here much?”
    Damon laughed. “No, first time.” She was a terrible liar. If he was a betting man, and he was, he’d bet she was thinking as much of him as he was of her. Hopefully her thoughts included tangling between silk sheets.
    “Oh, well the hostess didn’t even ask my name. She knew who I was and said you were waiting, so I just assumed you were a

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