C.O.T.V.H. (Book 1): Creation

Read C.O.T.V.H. (Book 1): Creation for Free Online

Book: Read C.O.T.V.H. (Book 1): Creation for Free Online
Authors: Dustin J. Palmer
Tags: Urban Fantasy/Vampires
his room and tucked him under the sheets.  "Now go to sleep."
    "Okay, Dad.  Goodnight." Jake said yawning. John started to pull the door closed. "Hey, Dad?" Jake asked.
    John let out an exasperated sigh.  "Yes, Jake?"
    "Are there really such things as monsters?  I mean, I know there's not.  Right?"
    John hesitated for a few seconds before smiling a tiny half smile and saying, “Monsters?” Of course not, son.  It's just a silly, really bad TV show."
    “ It’s not that bad!” Jake said, and then let out a deep exaggerated yawn.
    "I love you, kid," John said, flipping off the light and shutting the door.
    "Love you too, Dad!"  Jake yelled after him. He waited until he heard his dad's footsteps descend down the hall and the TV in the living room turn back on, before jumping out of bed and opening his closet door. Pulling the cord for the light, he dug through his toys and clothes as quietly as he could until finding what he was looking for.
    “ Ah, there you are!” He picked up his aluminum little league bat. Holding it tight in both hands, he looked up at it as if he were King Arthur looking over Excalibur. Then as if the devil himself was on his trail, he ran back to bed and leapt under the covers, clutching the bat tightly to his chest.
    Though he was exhausted, he tossed and turned for almost an hour. It was just too hot to sleep, but he didn’t dare kick the covers off for fear that some alien might grab him up by his feet and haul him off to some alien world where they’d hunt him for sport. The unmoving ceiling fan once again taunted him. His eyes couldn't help but wander to the once again locked window.
    Sacrificing safety for a few brief seconds, Jake got up the courage and opened his window.  He winced as it squeaked loudly.  If John caught him, doing this, aliens would be the least of his worries. However, his immediate concerns were of dying of a heat stroke, while not very likely, it was still a possibility. Behind alien abductions of course. Nevertheless, a closed window wouldn’t keep a technologically superior race out anyway. That’s Unbelievable! had made that abundantly clear.
    The cool breeze that streamed through the window made the risk well worth it. He climbed back into bed and after a few minutes fell asleep.
    Around two am a loud screeching sound woke him from his slumber.  He instantly grasped for the bat, only to find that it was nowhere to be found. Looking around the room, he tried to figure out where the sound had come from.  Sitting up in bed, while still clutching his covers, he glanced around the room. He didn't see anything out of place but something definitely wasn't right. He just felt it.
    Nervously he laid back down forcing himself to relax. He couldn't believe he was even considering it, but maybe it was a good idea that he didn’t watch That’s Unbelievable! again. It was probably just his overactive imagination. Just as he was about to fall back asleep he heard something that was definitely out of place. A deep, raspy breathing.  It was not his imagination. Something was in his room.

    Chapter 2
    The "Griffin" Home, Midland, TX.
    July 31, 1994 1:20am
    Jake’s eyes frantically scanned over the room, searching for the source of the sound. It took him less than a half a heartbeat to find it. Something had managed to open the rust covered, corroded, nearly sealed shut window, all the way up. A feat he had never been able to manage.
    Jake's heart pounded like a jackhammer, threatening to rip through his chest, his breathing coming in gasps so heavy he was almost panting.
    A dark form with crimson, almost glowing red eyes moved in front of the closet, partially blocking out the light. Its breathing was ragged and excited, almost like a lion stalking a gazelle.
    Jake opened his mouth to scream but just barely managed a whimper. With both hands, he pulled the sheets tight over his head as images of aliens abducting people from their homes

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