C.O.T.V.H. (Book 1): Creation

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Book: Read C.O.T.V.H. (Book 1): Creation for Free Online
Authors: Dustin J. Palmer
Tags: Urban Fantasy/Vampires
filled his mind. Where’s my bat? Where’s my bat! He screamed inside his head, his shaking hands frantically searching under his sheets for the comforting feel of cold aluminum. Sweat poured from his brow but he felt cold for the first time that day. Please God.  Please God! He prayed from the bottom of his soul . Make it go away! Just make it go away!
    The monster/alien shuffled closer. Jake could hear it breathing in deeply through its nostrils as if taking in his scent. Closer and closer it came until finally Jake could feel the creature’s breath pushing against his sheets.
    Squeezing his eyes shut, warm urine poured down his leg soaking the front of his pajama pants. Wake up! Wake up! He screamed in his mind. It’s all just a bad dream! Just a really, really bad dream! I’ll wake up any minute now and it will all be okay! The breathing grew deeper, more excited. He could almost feel its hand reaching for him. Any minute now . . . why haven’t I woken up?!
    Grabbing hold of his left arm with his right hand, he pinched as hard as he could but still didn’t wake up. My God, it’s not a dream . . . It was then that Jake knew the end was coming.  Soon they would have him in the mother-ship doing God only knows what. His parents would never hear from him again. Please . . . God . . . please help me . . .
    His prayers were suddenly answered as the door to his room opened a few inches flooding the room with light from the hall. His dad had decided to check on him one last time before he went to bed.
    Jake pulled the sheets down from around his head just in time to see John hit the monster like a defensive lineman sacking a quarterback. The creature slammed to the ground, John on top of it, his massive fists pounding into its face like hammers striking an anvil. Leaping to his feet in one swift motion, John grabbed the creature by its ankle with both hands and jerked it into the hall. The next thing Jake not only heard but felt, was the two of them crashing down the hall with enough force to knock the pictures hanging over his bed off the wall.
    Jake lay there too afraid to move for several long minutes before finally getting the courage to step out of his room. As his feet touched the carpet, his bare foot brushed against the cool aluminum bat, lying just under his bed. Grabbing it up, he crept over and peeked around the corner to see John wrestling with a short man wearing a shredded, bloody gray sports coat. “ Mr. White ?” Jake exclaimed.
    He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. It was Marty White. The same man he let into his house just hours earlier. It was Marty but at the same time, it wasn't. Thick, four-inch long talons ran from his fingers. His cowboy boots were in tatters where claws protruded from his toes. His jacket and shirt were shredded and coated in dried blood. More than half of his Hawaiian tie was gone.
    Why would Mr. White break into our house? Jake tried to rationalize what he was seeing. He must be an alien in disguise! To his young, frightened mind, it was the only thing that made sense. Whatever that thing was, it most certainly was not human.
    Even though John was a foot taller and at least a hundred pounds heavier, the creature/man he was fighting was winning. John was on the defense, moving at speeds with martial arts abilities that would put Chuck Norris to the test.
    Jake gripped his bat tightly in a white knuckled grip. He had no idea of what to do. Part of him thought that maybe he was still asleep. The fight carried into the kitchen. Both men crashed onto the green and brown card table they had a conversation over just hours before. It collapsed to the floor under their combined weight.  John was back on his feet in a flash hitting the creature with everything he could lay his hands on, pots, pans, a toaster, a coffee maker, none of which even slowed the beast down. It’s claws slashed at John's face and chest.
    Jake watched helplessly as Marty cornered John against the counter.

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