Coletti Warlords: Reality Bites

Read Coletti Warlords: Reality Bites for Free Online

Book: Read Coletti Warlords: Reality Bites for Free Online
Authors: Gail Koger
Tags: Science Fiction & Space Opera; Fantasy
out of here.”
    “They have placed an energy barrier around this complex.” Wulf shoved me behind him.
    The wind shifted and blew the noxious stench at the alien invaders.
    The Tai-Koks came to a sudden halt. With eerie, honking cries, they started puking their guts out.
    “I’ll be damned.” I grabbed a skunk bomb from my backpack, set the timer, and threw it at them.
    Wulf teleported us inside the bakery.
    BANG! A cloud of skunk spray enveloped the Tai-Kok.
    Violent seizures immediately shook the monsters. An instant later, a thick, white fluid spewed from every orifice. Honking like demented ducks, they fell to the asphalt and literally melted into puddles of goo. Their metal teeth glittered brightly in the sunlight.
    “That’s something you don’t see every day,” Granny remarked through her gas mask.
    “Gotta say, I’m a bit surprised myself.”
    “A most unexpected result,” Wulf added.
    Jaylan dropped a hard mental kiss on my mouth. “You are the perfect mate.”
    “Gee, I can’t tell ya how happy that makes me.”
    A beam of incandescent red sliced through the bakery, missing us by a good foot.
    “I think we pissed them off a bit.”
    “You think?” Granny hit a button, and a trapdoor opened in the floor. “Git.”
    Another laser beam struck. The roof cracked ominously.
    We bolted down the stairs and sprinted down a narrow tunnel. The building collapsed violently above us.
    A mournful sigh escaped me. All that wonderful chocolate was gone.
    Granny stomped into the emergency bunker. “Those motherfuckers are going to be sorry they messed with me.” She picked up a rocket launcher.
    Someone was in serious need of some hormone replacement. I carefully eased the barrel aside. “That’ll do a fair bit of damage, but it won’t bring down their ships. How about we kill all of the murdering bastards?”
    That caught Wulf’s attention. “How?”
    “You teleport me back to my base, and we transport a shitload of skunk bombs onboard their ships.”
    Wulf bared his fangs in a predator’s smile. “The Commander chose wisely.”
    “Be still my heart.” I linked with Jaylan. “Honey bunny, can you take down the shields on their ships?”
    “I am Coletti.”
    I guess that was a yes.
    Wrapping his arms around me, Wulf teleported us back to our emergency base, where a bunch of really stinky warriors waited.
    I smiled brightly, trying to ignore their menacing growls and nice sharp fangs. “Okay, how about we get some power to this joint?” And just like that, the power came back on. Coletti technology was amazing.
    “Great.” Taking out the bombs I had with me, I set them on the platform and turned to Wulf. “If we skunk the bridge of each Tai-Kok ship, it should take out their command structure.”
    “You think like a Coletti.”
    Yay me. I jumped a good foot when the warriors howled their battle cries in approval. Holy crap. I could see why their enemies surrendered so quickly. That was just plain damned scary.
    His mind still firmly entrenched in mine, the warlord announced, “Their shields are down.”
    “Let the fun begin.” I typed the coordinates for the Tai-Kok ships into the transporter console and hit the Send button. On the monitors, I watched as Coletti warbirds pounded the shit out of the Tai-Kok ships.
    One by one, the skunk bombs were delivered. I waited anxiously until the monsters’ battle cruisers began to detonate in glittering balls of debris. Only one ship remained. Its deadly laser cannons hammered Jaylan’s warbird.
    My temper flared to life. No one hurt my guy. My guy? Oh dear God, I was so screwed.
    Another volley hit Jaylan’s ship.
    Time for them to die. Retrieving another skunk bomb from the armory, I placed it on the platform and sent it to the weapons-control section of the remaining Tai-Kok battle cruiser.
    A satisfied smile curved my mouth when their cannons stopped firing. The ship quickly exploded in a nimbus of flames. “Good shooting, honey bunny.”

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